Catholic Bishops Meet with Black Evangelical Leaders on Preserving African American Families

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development and the Catholic University of America hosted as part of its annual meeting an in-depth conversation with leadership of Black Pentecostal congregations. The conversation centered on the impact of poverty on African American families.

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development and the Catholic University of America hosted as part of its annual meeting an in-depth conversation with leadership of Black Pentecostal congregations. The conversation centered on the impact of poverty on African American families. Noted sociologist and author, Dr. Jacqueline Rivers presented an overview of African American family concerns and offered suggestions for church pastors and community leaders.

Bishop Jaime Soto, Chair of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development said “The debate of culture versus economics looms all around us but our people struggle because of a lack of hope and could care less about the winner of that argument.”

Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, President of the USCCB who attended the meeting noted, “The Black family is historically acknowledged as being the reason the African American community has been able to sustain some of the harshest treatment in the history of humanity”.

The meeting was attended by Catholic bishops and Black Evangelical bishops, ministers’ from around the country and distinguished academics. The meeting highlighted the 50th anniversary for the Moynihan report, a report that spoke of the importance of African American family stability.
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Don Clemmer
O: 202-541-3206