February 18

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Lent 2018

First Sunday of Lent


In today's Gospel, we hear about Jesus's journey into the desert.  Jesus's journey into the desert lasted 40 days. This is just one example of the biblical roots that explain why Lent lasts for 40 days. Other references to 40 days in Scripture include:
  • the number of years spent by Israel in the desert
  • the number of days spent by Moses on Mount Sinai
  • the number of days spent by the prophet Elijah in the desert before going to encounter God on Mount Herob
  • the number of days of penance of the inhabitants of Nineveh


Reflect on today's Gospel with the ancient art of lectio divina.


Lord of Lent, Lord of Easter,

As you went into the desert

So do I follow

Putting aside that which distracts me

Grabs at me

Falsely claims me.

To search inside

To confront myself

My best, my worst

My good works and my sins.

And each time, I find you there

To call to me again

With words of challenge and words of mercy.

And as I fall to my knees, in prayer, in fasting

In sacrifice and penitence

Somehow, you have it in yourself to reach out and gently lift me

To renew me

To claim me as nothing of this world can claim me.

Meet me in the desert, Lord. Claim me anew.


Lenten Rice Bowl Prayer from Catholic Relief Services


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