February 19

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Lent 2018

Monday of the First Week of Lent


The season of Lent has only just begun. While it may feel overwhelming to try to check off everything on your spiritual bucket list, the US bishops have a list of 10 things to remember this Lent. Item number 6: "Don't do too much." 


Giving of ourselves in the midst of our suffering and self-denial brings us closer to loving like Christ, who suffered and poured himself out unconditionally on cross for all of us. Lent is a journey through the desert to the foot of the cross on Good Friday, as we seek him out, ask his help, join in his suffering, and learn to love like him.


Today is Presidents' Day in the United States. Let's take time to pray for our civic leaders.

Prayer for Civic Leaders

God our Father, 
You guide everything in wisdom and love.
Accept the prayers we offer for our nation.
In your goodness,
watch over those in authority
so that people everywhere
may enjoy freedom, security and peace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers, 371


How will you respond to the list of "10 Things to Remember for Lent"? Which one is the most important for you to remember?