February 21

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Lent 2018

Wednesday of the First Week in Lent


Today we read about St. Peter Damien, whose feast day is today.


"In an age marked by forms of particularism and uncertainties because it was bereft of a unifying principle, Peter Damien, aware of his own limitations—he liked to define himself as peccator monachus—passed on to his contemporaries the knowledge that only through a constant harmonious tension between the two fundamental poles of life—solitude and communion—can an effective Christian witness develop. Does not this teaching also apply to our times?"

—Pope Benedict XVI, Letter, February 2007


In honor of St. Peter Damien, a Doctor of the Church, say a prayer for the New Evangelization.


St. Peter Damien once wrote to a bishop, "let your lips continually ruminate something from the scriptures." Think about how you spread the truth of the Gospel through your words and deeds.  In what way do you think the Lord would ask you to live differently?