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636 • United States Catholic Catechism for Adults


complementarity, union, and

collaboration of man and

woman: 68, 73

vocation of: 268-69

see also Man and woman;



e.g., Consecrated life

Wonder and awe in God’s presence:


Fear of the Lord

Word, Liturgy of:

see under Liturgy:

Liturgy of the Word

Word of God

Christ as: 63, 469

importance of in the liturgy: 175,

177, 185

interpreting the (see Sacred


liturgy of: 175, 177

made flesh: 63

as the source of prayer: xxiii

as truth: 232

see also Catechesis; Sacred Scripture


access to: 422

dignity of work: 423-24

and human dignity: 455

just wage: 419, 424

labor strikes: 422

need of wage-earners to be able

to represent their needs and

grievances: 421, 426

participation in God’s creation:


rest on Sunday from (see Sunday;

Sunday rest)

rights of workers: 423-24

right to: 424

unions: 424

see also Vocation; Work


beauty of: 3-4

Christ the Savior of the (see Savior,

Jesus as)

creation of the (see Creation)

destiny of: 158, 179

end of: 156-58, 161

peaceful future of: 435

Providence at work in the (see

Providence, Divine)

the visible world: 55-56

see also Creation;

specific topics


50, 349

and adoration of God: 221

the Blessed Virgin Mary and the

saints join us in: 221

of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament:

224, 226

the Church in her worship transmits

to every generation all that she is

and believes: 32

the common priesthood of the

faithful and: 117

the community that worships: 218

as duty: 420

of the Eucharist: 365 (see also

under Eucharist, Holy)

the family and: 382

of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: 107

the First Commandment and: 342,

345, 347

idolatrous (see Idolatry)

of the liturgy directed to the Father

through the Son in the unity of

the Holy Spirit: 167

making available the grace

necessary to conform one’s life to

Christ: 176

the ministerial priesthood and: 265

offering one’s body as spiritual

worship: 225

in the Old Testament: 363

places for: 113, 171, 174, 178

presence of God in: 166

and religious freedom: 420, 501

as response to God’s

Revelation: xvii

the Sacraments and: 170,

223-24, 226

Sunday as day of: 363-71

Sunday observance as visible

and public, as sign of radical

dependence upon God, and as

gratitude for all the blessings

we’ve received: 167, 170, 364