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518 • Conclusion and Appendices

then meditates on words or phrases

that resonate.


The official liturgi-

cal book of the Church containing

Scripture passages for use in the

Liturgy of the Word.


This is an annual period

of forty days beginning on Ash

Wednesday for Latin Catholics,

which is set aside for penance,

fasting, and almsgiving in prepara-

tion for the coming celebration of

Easter. It is modeled in part on the

forty days that Jesus spent in the

desert prior to beginning his public

ministry. The penance, fasting, and

almsgiving are meant to help lead

the believer to ongoing conversion

and a deeper faith in the Lord who

redeemed us.


Literally a list, such as in

the list, or litany, of saints. In such

a prayer, the name of the saints is

spoken or sung and the congrega-

tion responds with a repeated invo-

cation, “Pray for us.” For example,

in the Litany of Loreto, the list of

qualities of the Virgin Mary are

recited or sung, again with the

response, “Pray for us.”


The calendar

that guides the liturgies and prayers

of the Church. It commences on

the First Sunday of Advent and

ends with the celebration of Christ

the King. It includes Advent, the

Christmas Season, Lent, the Easter

Season, and Ordinary Time, as

well as various Feasts of Mary, the

Apostles, and many other saints.


From the Greek, mean-

ing “public work.” It refers espe-

cially to the public worship of the

Church, including the Mass and

the Liturgy of the Hours. By their

Baptism, all God’s people are called

to offer a sacrifice of praise to God

at liturgy. The ordained priest at

liturgy acts in the person of Christ,

the Head of the Church, to make

Christ’s saving grace present by the

power of the Holy Spirit.



public daily prayer of the Church

which extends the praise given to

God in the Eucharistic celebration.


A name used

synonymously for Sunday, the day

of the Lord Jesus’ Resurrection.



name used for the prayer more

commonly known as the Our

Father. This prayer is sometimes

called the Lord’s Prayer because it

is a prayer taught by Jesus to his

Apostles and disciples.


See “Charity.”