Presentation of the Goals - Go and Make Disciples
Presentation of the Goals (¶89-127)
89. Goal I: To bring about in all Catholics such an enthusiasm for their faith that, in living their faith in Jesus, they freely share it with others
This goal calls Catholics to continue to hear the Good News at ever-deeper levels. The call to holiness, given to every Catholic through baptism, consecrates each one to God and to the service of the kingdom. This deepening of faith, in holiness, fosters a desire to involve others in that faith, until God will be "all in all" in a transformed world.90. The strategy of this goal is to so deepen the sense of Scripture and sacrament that Catholics will pray more fully and, with a greater understanding of Christ's call, live as disciples at home, at work, and in today's many cultural settings. This goal also seeks a greater openness to physical, mental, and cultural diversity among Catholics.
This goal entails the following objectives:
91. To foster an experience of conversion and renewal in the heart of every believer, leading to a more active living of Catholic life
Possible Strategies:
- retreats;
- parish renewals;
- Cursillo;
- involvement in the Charismatic movement;
- youth encounter weekends;
- marriage encounter; and
- other programs of renewal and conversion.
Possible Strategies:
- expanded implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA);
- wider invitation for Catholics to serve as RCIA sponsors; and
- parish involvement in ministries of reconciliation.
Possible Strategies:
- more frequent individual reading of the Bible among Catholics;
- further development of scriptural-study and scriptural-sharing programs; and
- opportunities for more thorough scriptural studies on the part of all Catholics.
Possible Strategies:
- greeting and welcoming of people;
- creation of a greater sense of prayer during Mass;
- more clear calling to worshipers to conversion and renewal;
fostering of a sense of community among parish members; outreach to
visitors and newcomers at Sunday Mass;
- accessibility to worship for everyone; and
- development of ways to incorporate new and mobile parishioners through ritual and public acknowledgment.
Possible Strategies:
- spirit-filled celebrations of the liturgy;
- sacramental preparation programs;
- encouragement of Eucharistic devotions and adoration;
- careful liturgical planning and ceremonial practice; and
- centering of renewal themes and activities on the sacraments.
Possible Strategies:
- ongoing homiletic training for clergy and those called to preach;
- prayerful preparation of the homily;
- shared preparation of the Sunday homily;
- enhanced preparation of lectors; and
- cultivation of reverence toward the liturgical books that contain the Sacred Scriptures.
Possible Strategies:
- daily schedule of prayer for every Catholic;
- wider utilization of the Liturgy of the Hours and other common prayer among Catholics;
- prayer groups;
- retreat experiences;
- training in methods of meditation and contemplation; and
- publication of more accessible devotional reading.
Possible Strategies:
- new methods of adult education that utilize various modern media
and relate to Catholics' involvement in parish worship and service;
- formulation of catechetical materials in clear, easy-to-grasp language;
- revision of existing catechetical materials to facilitate
evangelization and to adapt the Catechism of the Catholic Church to the
circumstances of the United States;
- development of home and family-based catechetical techniques; and
- involvement of directors of religious education in the evangelization planning of the parish and of evangelization teams in catechetical planning.
Possible Strategies:
- development of parochial and religious education curricula on the themes of discipleship with concentration on evangelization;
- training for discipleship;
- prayer events in parishes and larger Catholic organizations; and
- wider involvement in ministry and service as part of the stewardship of gifts that God gives the Church.
Possible Strategies:
- development of prayer groups;
- parish cultivation of smaller groupings for prayer, spiritual growth, and apostolic efforts;
- prayer associations within parishes and large Catholic organizations; and
- retreat experiences.
Possible Strategies:
- cultivation of daily prayer and times of prayer in the home;
- establishment of times of family sharing;
- home-based rituals shaped by the liturgical year;
- formation of groups of parents, families, and households to develop spirituality in the home; and
- adaptation of new and meaningful faith practices within the family in view of the decline of family prayer.
Possible Strategies:
- encouragement of reflection on the transforming presence of God in the workplace;
- acknowledgment of workers as agents of God's presence in the workplace; and
- encouragement of the formation of Catholic and other Christian groups and organizations that foster values in the workplace.
Possible Strategies:
- celebration of the spiritual diversity of the different cultures that make up the Church in the United States;
- acknowledgment of and respect for various forms of personal piety;
- celebration of cultural traditions; and
- encouragement of a variety of musical and cultural expressions.