Vocation Resources for Parents and Families
Families and Vocations
"Christian revelation presents the two vocations
to love: marriage and virginity. In some societies today, not only
marriage and the family, but also vocations to the priesthood and the religious
life, are often in a state of crisis. The two situations are inseparable:
"When marriage is not esteemed, neither can consecrated virginity or
celibacy exist; when human sexuality is not regarded as a great value given by
the Creator, the renunciation of it for the sake of the kingdom of heaven loses
its meaning". A lack of vocations follows from the breakdown of the
family, yet where parents are generous in welcoming life, children will be more
likely to be generous when it comes to the question of offering themselves to
God: "Families must once again express a generous love for life and
place themselves at its service above all by accepting the children which the
Lord wants to give them with a sense of responsibility not detached from
peaceful trust", and they may bring this acceptance to fulfilment not only
"through a continuing educational effort but also through an obligatory
commitment, at times perhaps neglected, to help teenagers especially and
young people to accept the vocational dimension of every living being, within
God's plan... Human life acquires fullness when it becomes a self-gift: a
gift which can express itself in matrimony, in consecrated virginity,
in self-dedication to one's neighbour towards an ideal, or in the choice
of priestly ministry. Parents will truly serve the life of their children
if they help them make their own lives a gift, respecting their mature
choices and fostering joyfully each vocation, including the religious and priestly
Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality:
Guidelines for Education within the Family, Pontifical Council for the Family,
USCCB Resources
Vocation Resources for Parents and FamiliesResources on Archdiocesan and Diocesan Websites
Diocese of Charleston
Diocese of La Crosse
Diocese of Phoenix
Diocese of St. Petersburg
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
More Resources
A Parent's Guide for VocationsSpiritual Fathers: A Workbook for Priests and Dads
Inspiring Videos and Articles
USCCB Vocation Videos for Parents