Ecclesial Lay Ministry
Lay ecclesial ministers are women and men whose ecclesial service is characterized by:
- Authorization of the hierarchy to serve publicly in the local church
- Leadership in a particular area of ministry
- Close mutual collaboration with the pastoral ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons
- Preparation and formation appropriate to the level of responsibilities that are assigned to them
In November 2005, the United States Catholic Bishops approved Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: A Resource for Guiding the Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry.
The bishops have offered Co-Workers in the Vineyard as "pastoral and theological reflection on the reality of lay ecclesial ministry, as an affirmation of those who serve in this way, and as a synthesis of best thinking and practice." The document examines: theological foundations for lay ecclesial ministry, discernment and suitability for lay ecclesial ministry, formation of lay ecclesial ministers, authorization of lay ecclesial ministers, and policies and practices in the ministerial workplace.