Mandate And Goals For The Committee

The committee assists the bishops, both individually and collectively, by providing direction for the Conference in the ongoing implementation of the 1983 Code of Canon Law and 1990 Code of Canons for the Eastern Churches and in the interpretation of particular law issued by the Conference. The committee also addresses issues from a canonical perspective related to the pastoral practices (discipline) of the Church, and it provides a forum wherein the Conference offers a possible means for the resolution of disputes or disagreements that occasionally arise between or with regard to dioceses. The committee further attends to issues concerning relations between Eastern and Latin churches.

This mandate includes the following areas of responsibility: Canonical affairs, relations between Eastern and Latin Churches, boundaries of dioceses and provinces, selection of bishops, conciliation and arbitration, diocesan financial reports, and canonical questions concerning pastoral practices.


  1. Being in relationship and providing consultation with bishops and their dioceses
  2. Being in dialogue and in liaison with outside groups for the USCCB
  3. Drafting Complementary Norms, where appropriate
  4. Providing a forum for issues concerning relations between Eastern and Latin churches
  5. Reviewing draft documents for other USCCB committees for canonical accuracy, especially concerning pastoral practices
  6. Providing a means for resolution of disputes between or with regard to dioceses


  1. With dioceses and bishops concerning canonical affairs and/or when the need for arbitration/conciliation arises
  2. With committees and offices regarding canonical implications in response to requests, especially concerning the pastoral practices of the Church
  3. With the Holy See and other episcopal conferences
  4. With the Canon Law Society of America and with other entities of the Church

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