Campus MinistryLeadership Institute
This five-day training and working institute gathers student leaders and campus ministers from across the country as campus teams. Grounded in the US Bishops' Pastoral Letter, Empowered by the Spirit, the institute is designed to produce effective leaders who work collaboratively to develop and implement successful Catholic Campus Ministry programs on college campuses, both private and public.
This program is offered in collaboration with Catholic Apostolate Center.
The Institute has five major goals:
- To foster the growth of participants' leadership and discipleship in the context of Catholic faith on campus
- To provide students and ministers with a "big picture" perspective of campus ministry
- To develop or improve a project that will be ready to implement upon returning home
- To learn and practice collaborative campus ministry team skills
- To generate and share new ideas and program
possibilities through networking with other campuses
Who can register?
The Institute is open to any campus ministry program where a
college campus minister and two or more students (rising sophomore through
senior) register as a team. In order to register, you will need to know your team members, their emails, t-shirt sizes, food allergy information, and the liturgical ministries in which they will participate. You will also need to provide a description of your project and how it will enrich your ministry.
How much does it cost?
registration fee is $280 for all participants, students and campus
ministers. This includes five nights'
housing, all program materials, all meals (except for Thursday night - free
night) and a sweatshop-free T-shirt.
Get ready for the Campus Ministry Leadership Institute. Choose your project and choose your team.
There will be no Institute in 2018.