Profession Class Reports
In celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life, the Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations is pleased to offer the results of the , conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. This survey was taken by men and women religious who professed their perpetual vows that year.
Meet the Profession Class of 2024
We asked some of our newly professed men and women religious to share something about themselves that others may find surprising. Their answers below provide some insight into how each discovered their vocational call. Congratulations to the Profession Class of 2024!
Sr. Catherine Marie Nguyen
Dominican Sisters of Mary Immaculate Province
"I always dreamt of becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon, owning a Harry Potter-themed sweets shop/bakery, and traveling the world. Then one day, I felt God calling me to something greater: to be a bride of Christ and to spread His love and truth to everyone I meet."
Fr. Dominic Bao Tran
Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, Extra Patriam
"I didn’t know the Redemptorists till my “Come & See” experience with them. I joined two months later."
Sr. M. Fiat Staley
Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, Immaculate Heart of Mary Province
"I first got to know the Sisters while working in housekeeping at the convent for the elderly Sisters, though I wasn't considering religious life at that time. When I did hear Jesus begin to invite me to discern being His bride, I initially felt certain that I was not being called to this community! But eventually Jesus helped me realize how much I treasured my relationships with these Sisters and our charism of Eucharistic Adoration."
Sr. Marie Thérèse Lolmaugh
Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, Immaculate Heart of Mary Province
"I enjoy delighting in the wonder of God’s creative love, both in how His providence and spousal love works in my life, as well as visibly through nature. I find great joy in learning about plants and insects with my elementary students, as well as through growing and raising them!"
Sr. Monica Wheeler
Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mary Immaculate Province
"I rejected the thought of being a religious early in life and never considered it again until a profound experience of Christ in the Eucharist calling me to belong to Him! I have found in Him the fulfilment of all my deepest desires and the path to use all my natural joys, outdoor activities, music, conversations, for His glory!
Sr. Jennifer Illig
Order of the Cistercians of the Strict Observance, Mt. St. Mary's Abbey
"I first visited my community in 2003 but didn't come back for nine years! I knew that I was called to be here but took time to go to school and receive a PhD in theology. God has been very good to me all these years."
Br. Robert Droel
Congregation of Christian Brothers, North America Province
"I never seriously explored joining other congregations, as I felt called to my specific congregation as a high school student and have found my calling here."
Sr. John Paul Thorley
Sisters of Christian Charity, North American Province
"I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to experience so many different cultures within my religious community. I am currently serving the mission in Argentina. God has given me the graces to do things that I never imagined I could do."
Br. David Relstab
Order of Saint Augustine, Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel
"I was a Mechanic for Mercedes Benz and currently teach Automotive Tech at a local Community College."
Br. Bosco Hough
Saint Vincent Archabbey - Benedictine, Saint Vincent Archabbey
"I ran a marathon in 3 hrs and 35 mins. I only trained for a few months and had only run up to 15 miles prior to the race. I love sports and competition."
Br. Connor Bannon
Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, St. Augustine Province
"I enjoy scoring baseball games, listening to folk music, and teaching sophomores."
Br. Bertrand Hebert
Order of Preachers, St. Joseph Province
"I was in diocesan seminary for five years before joining my religious institute."
Br. Stanco Simukonda
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, US Province
"Growing up I had a desire to study pharmacy and join the ministry but before completing my high school I felt strong call to serve God as missionary. I had an option between Oblates and Jesuits , oblate life was more appealing to me because of their missionary zeal to the poor and their closeness to the people. So I joined the missionary oblates of Mary Immaculate 11 years since then I have never regretted my decision God has been on my side. During my free time I love watching and playing soccer ⚽️ ."
Sr. Gemma Hugoboom
Congregation of Norbertine Sisters, USA Delegation
"I wanted to enter religious life since I was seven years old. After nine years of formation, I am filled with gratitude for the many graces our good Lord has given and sustained me with, for the beautiful sisters in my community, and for all the prayers and support I have received. What a blessing it is for me to profess my final vows at the age of 33, the same age in which Our Lord gave His life as ransom for all!"
Fr. Dennis Baker
Society of Jesus, USA East Province
"I know how husk a coconut right from the tree."
Fr. Kyle Shinseki
Society of Jesus, USA Midwest Province
"I enjoy listening to country music since I grew up in a rural part of Hawaiʻi where country music is popular and where ranching, hunting, and fishing are common pastimes."
Sr. Anapaula Rios
Congregation of Norbertine Sisters
"I like to explore and learn about the local history, historic sites, and California Missions. I also enjoy taking walks in nature to absorb God's beauty. I hope to learn how to play a musical instrument."
Sr. Faustina Lightfoot
Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln
"I grew up on a pig farm in Iowa and rode horses in rodeos all across Iowa. I currently serve as a nurse at the Nebraska Heart Hospital and greatly enjoy sharing Jesus' Mercy with all of the souls I encounter."
Sr. Lydia Marie Edwards
Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia
"I used to want to be a photographer for the Vatican because I wanted to live in the heart of the Church. I developed a passion for photography in college and enjoyed taking pictures for the school newspaper. Now I have the great privilege of living my life with Christ as His spouse, daily striving to immerse myself ever more deeply in His Most Sacred Heart that beats with love for the whole world."
Sr. Maria Cabrini Sponsel
Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Wichita
"I was quoted by Father Mike Schmitz at Steubenville of the Rockies this summer. He asked the Sisters, "Is being a Sister boring?" I replied, " No it is the craziest roller coater of my life." He then repeated this to the audience. I used to be a thrill seeker, going on roller coasters, zip lining, and bungy jumping yet it was never enough. I have found that nothing compares to the thrill of doing God's will daily in the unknown following him."
Sr. Mary Michael Di Palma
Sister Servants of the Eternal Word
"I have multiple art degrees and came back to the faith at one of the most secular art institutes in the country. God is everywhere."
Sr. Maura Sheen Colker
Dominica Sisters of Saint Cecilia
"I did not know what religious life was when the Lord first spoke this call to my heart in Eucharistic Adoration as a junior in college. I was raised protestant and my heart longed for the intimacy of marriage, the spousal love of a husband, and children, desires I initially thought were incompatible and unable to be fulfilled in a life consecrated to God. The Lord gently showed me that He was the fulfillment of every desire of my heart as He spoke to me, “I will espouse you to me forever” (Hosea 2:21), “You shall call me 'My husband'” (Hosea 2:18), “There is no one who has given up children for my sake and for the sake of the gospel who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age children” (cf. Mark 10:29-30), “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete” (John 15:11); He is faithful, and He is worth EVERYTHING.
Sr. Theresa Nagel
Daughters of St Mary of Providence
"I was hunchback and had to have a body cast. Then wear a brace for 6 months. I missed 42 days of school. I had 2 teachers come to the house."
Recent Reports
*archived reports available upon request