NEW National Pastoral Plan Promotional Video

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Missionary Disciples Going Forth with Joy - National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry 

On June 16, 2023, the US bishops approved a National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry. The Plan refers to Hispanics/Latinos as a blessing from God, as a missionary and prophetic presence that revitalizes the church in the United States. A few of these graces include an abiding love for family and community, a rich practice of Catholic traditions, an authentic Marian devotion, and vibrant ecclesial movements.

 For the past four decades, Hispanic/Latino ministry has flourished in thousands of parishes across the country. Such ministries have produced many fruits as millions of Hispanic/Latino families have been able to live and celebrate their Catholic faith. Building on that growth, the Plan calls for a synodal church that is more welcoming, evangelizing, and missionary at all levels; a church that can build vibrant parish communities with our Hispanic/Latino brothers and sisters, in the context of a culturally diverse society.

 The Plan is designed to further strengthen ministries among our Hispanic/Latino brothers and sisters over the next ten years. It also strives to redouble the church's efforts to mentor, form, and embrace a new generation of Hispanic/Latino leaders as missionary disciples ready to serve the entire church and the society.

 It is important to note that the Pastoral Plan is addressed to all church leaders, and everybody is invited to participate in its implementation. Also important is the Plan's call for all leaders in the church to become more interculturally competent. That is, to have the capacity to communicate, work and relate with people from other cultures. Intercultural competency involves gaining knowledge, developing skills, and adopting an attitude of openness and respect for people from other cultures.

 Let's continue walking together in building the beloved community of missionary disciples that Jesus calls us to be. The invitation to participate in the Plan provides a unique opportunity to engage and form new leaders, invigorate parishes, and multiply creative pastoral responses to the growing Hispanic/Latino presence in all Catholic institutions and organizations.

Check out the PDF version of the resource book - Missionary Disciples Going Forth with Joy: National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry

Click for the English PDF and the Spanish PDF 

Click to purchase a bilingual printed copy of the National Pastoral Plan. Contact us with questions at @email 

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News Update from the Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs (SCHA)



Check out the V Encuentro  webpage for information.

The Subcommittee Mandate

The Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs is under the direction of and assists the Committee on Cultural Diversity within the Church by working collaboratively with the committee and other USCCB committees to affirm the gifts and contributions of Hispanic Catholics and to provide more opportunities for Hispanic Catholics to engage in the life of the Church and help shape its evangelization mission.This mandate includes the following areas of responsibility:The Subcommittee is directly responsible for outreach to Hispanic communities and to work closely with the subcommittee on Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees.