High School Research Activities
Extended Response Essay
Students will write an essay on the role of the Catholic Church in the public forum and the believer's responsibility for civic engagement. Students may choose one or more of the "Goals for Political Life: Challenges for Citizens, Candidates, and Public Officials" from the Faithful Citizenship statement.
Topical Research Project
Students choose a topic from among the themes of Catholic social teaching and/or the Bishops' statement. Students research the application of one or more principles to a national or local election, detailing if and how candidates stand on the issues deemed central to promoting a more just nation and world. Or students may research an important contemporary public policy issue and explain how the themes of Catholic social teaching apply.
Voting Project
Students are asked to research the choices that will appear on the ballot for the voting district in which they live. Students create a one-page sheet that details their votes on the issues along with the reasons. Students then analyze their votes in light of the Bishop's statement and the principles of Catholic social teaching.
Candidate Research Project
Students will choose a local or national candidate and analyze the candidate's position in relation to the seven principles of Catholic social teaching and the issue areas emphasized in the Bishop's statement.
Analyze an Article
Students choose an article from their local newspaper on a public policy issue. The article is then analyzed from both a conventional political standpoint and from the standpoint of Catholic social teaching.