Hunger, Food, Nutrition Home

"Freedom from the yoke of hunger is the first concrete manifestation of that right to life which, although solemnly proclaimed, often remains far from being effectively implemented." -- Pope Benedict XVI, World Food Day 2011

Joint Letter to House Agriculture Committee on the Farm Bill
Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, Bishop Richard E. Pates, Dr. Carolyn Woo, Mr. James Ennis, July 10, 2012

Joint Letter on FY 2013 House Agriculture Appropriations Legislation
Bishop Stephen E. Blaire and Bishop Richard E. Pates, June 26, 2012

Letter to House Committee on Agriculture Concerning Cuts to Food Stamps
Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, April 16, 2012

Joint Letter to Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture on FY 2013
Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, April 16, 2012

Backgrounder on Food and Nutrition

Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriations Committees on FY 2012 Agriculture Appropriations Bill
Bishop Stephen E. Blaire and Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, October 20, 2011

Letter to Senate on Agriculture Appropriations
Bishop Stephen E. Blaire and Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, September 6, 2011

Letter to House, Senate on Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit
Bishop William Murphy, September 20, 2010

Joint Letter to Congress on Child Nutrition Reauthorization
August 3, 2010