Assisted Suicide Videos

- The Alvarez Family Story
Sylvia andSerena Alvarez share the inspiring story of Deacon Sal Alvarez--how he fought for justice throughout his life, working for farmers' rights, advocating for access to health care for Latinos, and, near the end of his life, fighting against assisted suicide. They invite viewers to join them in continuing his fight for access to authentic health care, and against assisted suicide.
La historia de la familia Álvarez
Sylvia y Serena Alvarez comparten la inspiradora historia del diácono Salvador Álvarez: cómo luchó por la justicia durante toda su vida, trabajando por los derechos de los agricultores, abogando por el acceso a la atención médica para los latinos y, en sus últimos años, luchando contra el suicidio asistido. Su madre e hija invitan a su audiencia a unirse a ellas para continuar luchando para que todos tengan acceso a servicios médicos de calidad y en contra del suicidio asistido.
- The Alvarez Family Story
- Cecelia's Story
Cecilia Soñé, a nurse practitioner, says that legalizing assisted suicide sends the false message that some lives are worth caring for and others are not. Watch to learn how she went into medicine to help heal patients, not to help kill them!
La historia de Cecilia
Observen ahora cómo Cecilia Sone, una enfermera profesional y voz confiable de nuestra comunidad, comparte cómo cuidar a seres queridos que se enfrentan al final de la vida.
- John's Story: Beyond Independence
Born without arms, John Foppe speaks to a way of life beyond independence, namely inter-dependence: Together we are more. Assisted suicide sells everyone short, so in times of illness or disability, he encourages us to "step into life!"
- Jeanette's Story: 15 Years Later
When Jeanette Hall had less than a year to live, she asked her doctor for the pills to commit suicide. Dr. Kenneth Stevens got to know her better, inspiring her to have treatment instead. Now 15 years later, Jeanette says: "It's great to be alive!"
- Maggie's Story
Maggie Karner, 51-yr-old mother of three, has terminal brain cancer and opposes assisted suicide. She shares how her dad, when bedridden at the end of his life as a quadriplegic, taught her to face life & her final days with true grace and dignity.