Catholic Communication Campaign Collection Helps the Good News Get Around

WASHINGTON—The national date of the collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) is June 5. This year, the campaign focuses on new ways to bring the gospel to wherever people are. Whether it is through Internet content to strengthen marriage, podcasts for daily readings, televising the C

WASHINGTON—The national date of the collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) is June 5. This year, the campaign focuses on new ways to bring the gospel to wherever people are. Whether it is through Internet content to strengthen marriage, podcasts for daily readings, televising the Christmas Mass, or using Facebook for news, discussions and sharing the faith, the Catholic Communication Campaign Collection helps the Good News get around.

“In today’s world, it is essential for the Catholic voice to be where the people are: whether that is sharing on social networking sites, listening to MP3 players, or reading a newspaper,” said Archbishop Dennis Schnurr of Cincinnati, chairman of the U.S. bishops Subcommittee on the Catholic Communications Campaign. “For the faithful or those searching for faith, CCC provides rich content, bringing the gospel message one page, click, or download at a time.”

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) established the Catholic Communication Campaign collection in 1979 to respond to the national and local communications needs of the Church. The collection’s proceeds are split equally between each participating diocese and the national office. Dioceses use their share of the CCC collection to support local communications efforts such as televised Masses and diocesan newspapers. On the national level, CCC funds support the development and production of a wide range of media initiatives that are carried out by USCCB staff and grantee organizations. A portion of the CCC’s national funds are also set aside for grants to aid Catholic communication efforts in developing nations.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /?>

For more information about the Catholic Communication Campaign, visit For a description of projects funded nationally by the collection go to:


Keywords: communications, Catholic Communication Campaign, CCC, national collections