Mary Mencarini Campbell Named Director For Catholic Home Missions
WASHINGTON—Mary Mencarini Campbell has been named director for the Catholic Home Missions and associate director of the Office of National Collections of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Campbell is currently serving as assistant director for the National Collections and, am
“Mary Mencarini Campbell is best known for her untiring love and dedication to the Church,” said Patrick Markey, executive director of the USCCB Office of National Collections. “Her work in the Office of National Collections has been key to a smooth and successful transition of all the USCCB national collections into one office after the bishops restructured the Conference in 2007. She has deep bonds with the Home Mission dioceses, which she has been assisting since she began at the Conference. We are very pleased to have her in this new position.”
As director of the USCCB effort to support the dioceses most in need in the United States, Mencarini Campbell will be responsible for the bishops’ grant initiative for the Home Mission dioceses, the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Most dioceses hold the appeal the last Sunday in April.
Mencarini Campbell has worked at the USCCB since April 1990. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. She is a contributing author to Living Justice, Proclaiming Peace, published by the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry, and is a speaker and workshop presenter on issues of domestic poverty and Catholic social teaching.
The USCCB Office of National Collections manages eight of the national collections held in Catholic parishes throughout the year. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal received over $9.3 million in donations from U.S. Dioceses in 2010. In 2011 the bishops’ Subcommittee on the Catholic Home Missions approved grants of $8.5 million to 88 dioceses for 390 pastoral programs.
For more information on the USCCB’s work in the Catholic Home Missions, visit and search “Catholic Home Missions.”
---Keywords: Office of National Collections, Mary Mencarini Campbell, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Home Missions