Bishop Ricken Calls For Greater Understanding Of The Sacraments In The Year Of Faith, Offers USCCB Resource

WASHINGTON—The Year of Faith, whichbegins October 11, is a time for Catholics in the United States to strengthentheir faith "through a greater love and understanding of the sacraments,"according to the chairman of the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis ofthe U.S. Conference of Catholic Bis

WASHINGTON—The Year of Faith, whichbegins October 11, is a time for Catholics in the United States to strengthentheir faith "through a greater love and understanding of the sacraments,"according to the chairman of the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis ofthe U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and the USCCB offers a newguide to help bishops achieve this.

"The Seven Sacraments continue thesaving work of Jesus until he comes again and form the center of thecelebration of the Christian mystery. Through the ministry of the Church, allare invited to hear the Good News, follow Christ and share in these savingmysteries," said Bishop David Ricken of Green Bay, Wisconsin in an October 4letter to all U.S. bishops.

Bishop Ricken shared that thecommittee has developed SacramentalCatechesis: An Online Resource for Dioceses and Eparchies, which isavailable online at:

This resource, he wrote, provides anoverview of cultural challenges to teaching the sacraments, principles andelements for teaching each sacrament and possible moments of opportunities fordoing so. It is meant to help dioceses develop programs for teaching the sacraments.

Bishop Ricken thanked the numerousUSCCB committees involved in developing the resource as part of USCCB's Deepen Faith, Nurture Hope, Celebrate Lifepriority plan and highlighted the importance of strengthening sacramentalcatechesis in the face of challenges.

"Despite statistics charting waningparticipation, we remain aware that participation in the sacraments, especiallythe Eucharist, is not simply an option," he said, but rather, "it isfoundational to sustain the faithful in union with the very life of the Trinityand to strengthen them for the rigors of living their faith as committeddisciples."


Keywords: sacramental catechesis, Sacraments, Eucharist,Penance and Reconciliation, Baptism, Bishop David Ricken, USCCB, Evangelizationand Catechesis, dioceses, SacramentalCatechesis: An Online Resource for Dioceses and Eparchies

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