Bishops Approve Document on Preaching, New Collection for Military, 2013 Budget at General Assembly

BALTIMORE—The U.S. Conference ofCatholic Bishops (USCCB) adopted a new document of preaching, "Preaching theMystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily," and voted to create a new NationalCollection to support the Archdiocese of Military Services at their annual FallGeneral Assembly in Baltimore, November

BALTIMORE—The U.S. Conference ofCatholic Bishops (USCCB) adopted a new document of preaching, "Preaching theMystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily," and voted to create a new NationalCollection to support the Archdiocese of Military Services at their annual FallGeneral Assembly in Baltimore, November 13.

Thepreaching document passed with 227 bishops voting in favor, 11 against and fourabstaining. The bishops approved the new collection for the Archdiocese ofMilitary Services in a 123-42-8 vote.

Thebishops also approved the creation of a new outreach staff position in USCCB'sNational Religious Retirement Office in a 174-49-2 vote and the addition of a staffposition for Native American Affairs in the Secretariat for Cultural Diversityin the Church in a 188-40-6 vote.

Thebishops approved their 2013 budget in a 200-24-9 vote. They also approved thescope of the work of an amended version of the Liturgy of the Hours for use bydioceses in the United States in a 189-41-1 vote.


Keywords: U.S. bishops, USCCB, U.S. Conference of CatholicBishops, budget, National Collections, Cultural Diversity, Archdiocese ofMilitary Services, Native American Affairs, Baltimore, Fall General Assembly,November meeting

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