U.S. Bishops Applaud Approval Of North Carolina Marriage Amendment In Face Of President Obama’s Recent Comments
WASHINGTON—The decision by thevoters of North Carolina to define marriage in a constitutional amendment asthe union of one man and one woman “affirms the authentic and timeless meaningof marriage,” said Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland, California.
WASHINGTON—The decision by thevoters of North Carolina to define marriage in a constitutional amendment asthe union of one man and one woman “affirms the authentic and timeless meaningof marriage,” said Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland, California. BishopCordileone, chairman of the Subcommittee on the Promotion and Defense ofMarriage of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), applauded the May8 decision with Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Raleigh and Bishop Peter J. Jugisof Charlotte, North Carolina.
“The success of this amendmentdemonstrates people’s awareness of the essential role that marriage, as theunion of a man and a woman, plays for the common good,” said Bishop Cordileone.“Despite his comments yesterday, I would hope that President Obama wouldrecognize this essential role as well. This is not a partisan issue, but amatter of justice, fairness and equality for the law to uphold every child’sbasic right to be welcomed and raised by his or her mother and fathertogether.”
He added, “I extend my gratitude toall of the people in North Carolina who worked tirelessly to make this areality. The people of North Carolina join millions of other Americans inaffirming the importance of marriage in our society.”
North Carolina is the 30th state topass a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man andone woman.
The statement of Bishop Burbidge isavailable online: www.dioceseofraleigh.org/news/view.aspx?id=1486
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