Second Madagascar Archbishop Expresses Strong Support For Catholic Relief Services

WASHINGTON—Archbishop OdonRazanakolona of the Archdiocese of Antananarivo, which includes the capitalcity of Madagascar, has repudiated allegations that Catholic Relief Services(CRS) was involved with providing contraceptives or abortafacient drugs anddenied that he has a strained relationship with

WASHINGTON—Archbishop OdonRazanakolona of the Archdiocese of Antananarivo, which includes the capitalcity of Madagascar, has repudiated allegations that Catholic Relief Services(CRS) was involved with providing contraceptives or abortafacient drugs anddenied that he has a strained relationship with the agency.

Archbishop Razanakolona spoke by phone on August 5 withBishop Gerald Kicanas, chairman of the board of directors of CRS, as well asofficials from CRS and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. He is thesecond archbishop from Madagascar to deny allegations made in a series ofarticles published by Population Research International (PRI).

Last week, Archbishop Désiré Tsarahazana, of theArchdiocese of Toamasina and the president of the episcopal conference ofMadagascar, also expressed strong support for CRS and affirmed that it actsfully in accord with Catholic teaching in his archdiocese.

Archbishop Razanakolona saidhe was surprised to see himself quoted in the article and that he is sure thatCRS follows Catholic teaching and is not involved in providing or facilitatingaccess to contraception or abortion.

The archbishop added that CRS has been a good partner incollaborating with staff in his archdiocese.


Keywords: Keywords: Catholic Relief Services, CRS, USCCB, U.S.Conference of Catholic Bishops, Bishop Gerald Kicanas, Madagascar

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