U.S. Bishops Call For ‘Nine Days Of Prayer, Penance And Pilgrimage’ Surrounding 40th Anniversary Of Roe V. Wade
WASHINGTON—TheU.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities urges Catholics nationwide to participatein Nine Days of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage, January 19-27, marking the 40thanniversary of Roe v. Wade.
WASHINGTON—TheU.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities urges Catholics nationwide to participatein Nine Days of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage, January 19-27, marking the 40thanniversary of Roe v. Wade. Theintentions for these nine days will be for healing and conversion, for electedofficials who support abortion and for all people whose lives have been foreverchanged by an abortion.
"Thebishops recognize that prayer is the foundation of all our efforts on behalf ofhuman life," said Tom Grenchik, executive director of the Secretariat ofPro-Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). "Thesenine days of focused prayer and sacrifice are a great opportunity for peopleacross the nation to unite their voices in prayer to God. Through this prayercampaign, I hope that many will be blessed with a new spirit of faith andencouragement in their pro-life efforts."
Key events during the Nine Days arethe National Prayer Vigil for Life, January 24-25 (https://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/resources/index.cfm), and the Rally and March for Life, January 25 (https://www.marchforlife.org), all being held in Washington.
A youth video contest is open tomiddle and high school students, who are invited to submit a 30-60-second videothat should be recorded while participating in activities surrounding the 40thanniversary of Roe v. Wade. Details of the contest are available at www.usccb.org/about/pro-life-activities/january-roe-events/video-contest-for-high-school-age-pilgrims.cfm. Also, young adults are encouraged to usetheir Facebook profile pictures to support the sanctity of life. Details areavailable at www.usccb.org/about/pro-life-activities/january-roe-events/upload/Pro-Life-Profiles-Flyer.pdf.
USCCB will also feature guestbloggers the week of January 22 providing their personal pro-life testimonialsat https://usccbmedia.blogspot.com.
Each day's novena content includes anintercession, brief prayers and a reflection, daily suggestions for concreteacts of prayer, penance and charity, and a powerful abortion-relatedmyth/reality fact. People can sign up to receive the novena daily by email byvisiting www.usccb.org/9days, or by text message by texting "9days" to99000. The novena will also be posted daily on "People of Life," the USCCBPro-Life Secretariat's Facebook page, and tweeted from "USCCB" on Twitter.
Additional activities may besponsored by local parishes and/or dioceses. Suggestions include a special Massor holy hour with a Blessing of Pro-Life Pilgrims for those traveling todistant Masses, rallies, marches, and other events marking the Roe anniversary,a "40 Hours Devotion" or a Holy Hour for Life, including a "Prayer Service forForgiveness and Healing," and a closing "Holy Hour for Reparation and Healing."Prayer resources and program models for these suggested activities areavailable at www.usccb.org/9days.
Keywords:Roe v. Wade, anniversary, Rally and March for Life, USCCB, Pro-Life Activities,abortion, Prayer Vigil for Life, People of Life, Nine Days of Prayer, Penanceand Pilgrimage
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