Archbishop Kurtz Sends Prayers and Support to Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussel

WASHINGTON—ArchbishopJoseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference ofCatholic Bishops, expressed the prayers and support of the Catholic Church inthe United States in a letter, March 22, to Archbishop Josef De Kesel ofMechelen-Brussel, following the bombings in Belgium.

WASHINGTON—ArchbishopJoseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference ofCatholic Bishops, expressed the prayers and support of the Catholic Church inthe United States in a letter, March 22, to Archbishop Josef De Kesel ofMechelen-Brussel, following the bombings in Belgium.

Fulltext of Archbishop Kurtz's letter follows.


MayGod bless you and your people during this Holy Week!

ApproachingGood Friday, seeing the news from your brave and beautiful city deepens our ownmeditation on the Cross. Please be assured of my prayers and unwaveringfraternal support. The Church throughout the United States feels this senselessact of violence as a tragedy in our own family.

Ofcourse, the terror of the Crucifixion is overcome by the hope of theResurrection. Through unity, courage and comforting of the victims, the peopleof Belgium remind me of the Apostles comforted by the Risen Lord. In the faceof unspeakable violence, they refused to allow fear to be their final witness.

Godso loved the world that He sent his only Son. Seeing our violent rejection ofthat love, God could have easily withdrawn from the world. Instead, Jesusovercame death to offer us salvation. So too let us respond to hate with loveand reject the extremists who would see us abandon our most vulnerable brothersand sisters.

Today,I thank God for the powerful witness of your people in the face of terror. Myprayers are with you as their shepherd.

Fraternallyyours in the Lord,

MostReverend Joseph E. Kurtz, DD

Archbishopof Louisville and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


Keywords:Brussels, Belgium, terror, bombings, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, USCCB