Cardinal Dolan Applauds Administration for Withdrawing Funding to UNFPA’s Coercive Abortion/Sterilization Program

WASHINGTON–Cardinal Timothy Dolan, chairof the USCCB's Committee on Pro-Life Activities, welcomed the State Department'sApril 4th announcement that it will withhold federal funding fromthe U.N. Population Fund ("UNFPA") because UNFPA monies go to Chinese agenciesthat perform forced abortions and i

WASHINGTON–Cardinal Timothy Dolan, chairof the USCCB's Committee on Pro-Life Activities, welcomed the State Department'sApril 4th announcement that it will withhold federal funding fromthe U.N. Population Fund ("UNFPA") because UNFPA monies go to Chinese agenciesthat perform forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations. TheAdministration's decision invokes the 1985 Kemp-Kasten Amendment againstfunding organizations involved in coercive population programs. Millions of taxpayerdollars will now be redirected to maternal health and non-abortion reproductivehealth programs in developing countries.

"Chinese families have endured unspeakableabuses, including onerous fines, mandatory pregnancy exams, coerced sterilizations,and forced abortions," Cardinal Dolan said. "Over 20 years ago, the U.N. condemned forced sterilization and forcedabortion as 'acts of violence against women', and yet the UNFPA has enabled theChinese government to continue their assault on the dignity of women and thelives of their unborn children – especially female children, who are most atrisk."

Since 1985, Congress has forbidden thefunding of any organization which, as determined by the President of the UnitedStates, "supports or participates in the management of a program of coerciveabortion or involuntary sterilization." There is no credible claim to counterthe fact that Chinese population programs use coercive means or that UNFPAsupports the Chinese programs.

"This is a victory for women and childrenacross the globe, as well as for U.S. taxpayers," Cardinal Dolan said. "We areso grateful to the Trump Administration for taking this important action to endU.S. support for UNFPA so long as it remains committed to China's coercive abortionand sterilization programs."


Keywords: Cardinal TimothyDolan, Archbishop of New York, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, USCCB,Committee on Pro-Life Activities, President Trump, U.S. Department of State, U.S.Congress pro-life, federal funding, abortion, UNFPA, China, forced abortion,coercive family planning, population control, women's health, Kemp-KastenAmendment, Mexico City Policy

MEDIA CONTACTJudy KeaneO: 202-541-3200