Dioceses Across the U.S. Benefit from Catholic Home Missions Appeal

WASHINGTON—Theannual Catholic Home Missions Appealwill be held in most parishes across the country on the weekend of April 29-30with the theme Strengthening the Churchat Home. This appeal supports over 40 percent of dioceses and eparchies inthe United States and its territories in the Caribbean and

WASHINGTON—Theannual Catholic Home Missions Appealwill be held in most parishes across the country on the weekend of April 29-30with the theme Strengthening the Churchat Home. This appeal supports over 40 percent of dioceses and eparchies inthe United States and its territories in the Caribbean and Pacific.

"Formany dioceses it is challenging to support ministries because of fragilefinancial situations or isolated communities," said Archbishop Paul D. Etienneof Anchorage, Alaska, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops'Subcommittee on Catholic Home Missions. "It is through the Catholic HomeMissions Appeal that we can make a difference here at home and help our missiondioceses offer places for people to encounter the loving and merciful Christ."

In2016, the Subcommittee on Catholic Home Missions allocated over $9 million to84 dioceses for programs of evangelization, Hispanic ministry, seminaryeducation, lay ministry formation and other essential pastoral ministries. TheSubcommittee oversees the collection and an annual grant program as part of theUSCCB Committee on National Collections.

Shareableresources for the collection can be found at: www.usccb.org/home-missions/collection.

Thehome page for the collection can be found at www.usccb.org/home-missions. Additionalresources on the collection and the projects it supports include an interactive map, videos about thehome missionsand an annual report.


Keywords: NationalCollections, Catholic Home Missions Appeal, U.S. Conference of CatholicBishops, USCCB, ministry, Catholic Home Missions Appeal, missionary work,evangelization, Subcommittee on Catholic Home Missions, Archbishop Paul D.Etienne, religious education, priests, seminarians, religious formation, layministry

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MEDIA CONTACT:Norma Montenegro FlynnO: 202-541-3200