U.S. Bishop Chairman Statement on Immigration Principles and Need for Congressional Action to Protect Dreamers

WASHINGTON—On Sundayevening, the White House released Immigration Principles and Policies that area proposed list of priorities to be considered when working on legislativeprotection for Dreamers. Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of Austin, Texas, Chairman of theCommittee on Migration, issued the following sta

WASHINGTON—On Sundayevening, the White House released Immigration Principles and Policies that area proposed list of priorities to be considered when working on legislativeprotection for Dreamers. Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of Austin, Texas, Chairman of theCommittee on Migration, issued the following statement urging Congress to"ensure true protection for Dreamers once and for all."

Full statement follows:

"The Administration'sImmigration Principles and Policies do not provide the way forward forcomprehensive immigration reform rooted in respect for human life and dignity,and for the security of our citizens. They are not reflective of our country'simmigrant past, and they attack the most vulnerable, notably unaccompaniedchildren and many others who flee persecution. Most unfortunately, theprinciples fail to recognize that the family is the fundamental building blockof our immigration system, our society, and our Church.

"Since July, Congresshas introduced legislative solutions for Dreamers, including the Dream Act. TheAdministration should focus attention on ensuring that a legislative solutionfor Dreamers is found as soon as possible. Every day that passes without thatsolution, these youth experience growing apprehension for their futures and theirfamilies. Each passing day brings us all a step closer to March 2018, when DACArecipients will begin to lose legal work privileges, and far worse, face thethreat of deportation and family separation.

"For this reason, weexhort Congress to take up legislation and move forward promptly to ensure trueprotection for Dreamers once and for all. Together with so many others of goodwill, we shall continue to offer welcome and support to these remarkable youngpeople, and we shall not stop advocating for their permanent protection andeventual citizenship."

Keywords: U.S.Conference of Catholic Bishops, USCCB, Bishop Joe S. Vásquez, Committee onMigration, Immigration Principles and Policies, DREAMERS, Dream Act, DeferredAction for Childhood Arrivals, DACA, U.S. Congress, young people,citizenship.  


Media Contact:
Judy Keane 