Catholic News Service in Rome wins 12 awards for its work in Catholic media
The Catholic Media Association recognized the work of the Rome staff at Catholic News Service, which has been providing complete, in-depth coverage of the popes and the Vatican for more than 70 years.
Catholic News Service Rome correspondent Justin McLellan interviews Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City after he celebrated the ordination Mass for 18 new deacons from the Pontifical North American College in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Sept. 28, 2023. (CNS photo/Lola Gomez)
ROME (CNS) -- The Catholic News Service team in Rome won 12 awards from the Catholic Media Association, which were announced during the 2024 Catholic Media Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Incorporated in 1911, the Catholic Media Association is an organization of publishers and media professionals for a total of about 355 member organizations, which include 890 media professionals.
Catholic News Service has been providing complete, in-depth coverage of the popes and the Vatican for more than 70 years. Its six-person team is made up of three full-time reporters, one photographer, one multimedia journalist and one administrative assistant.
CNS took home four first-place awards with the following comments from the judges:
-- Cindy Wooden, Carol Glatz, Robert Duncan, Paul Haring and Justin McLellan: Best In-Depth News/Special Reporting by a National Newspaper or Wire Service for "Pope Francis' 10th anniversary."
"This extraordinary team effort exploring various aspects of Pope Francis’ 10th anniversary combines thought-provoking interviews, memorable writing and significant context to provide a comprehensive picture of what the pope has accomplished and what lies ahead."
Click through to see the stories and photos in this winning series:
10 years as pope: Pushing the church to bring the Gospel to the world
Pope from 'ends of the earth' brings new style to Rome
Pope brings Latin American Catholic experience to the universal church
Pastoral and practical: Francis seeks healing, hardline against abuse
Pope's anniversary sees Curia reform complete, financial reform ongoing
Around the world in 10 years: Pope's 40 trips reflect his priorities
Pope Francis' 10-year legacy
An overview of the 10 years of the pontificate of Pope Francis. (CNS video/Robert Duncan)
-- Carol Glatz: First place for Best Coverage, Ecumenical and Interfaith Issues for the following series of stories on the Vatican archives and Catholic-Jewish relations.
"Excellent analysis and writing about an important issue."
Click through to see the stories and photos in this series:
Silent no more: Vatican archives give voice to wartime tragedy
Despite prejudices, many Catholics helped rescue Jews in Nazi-occupied Italy
Study, not blame or shame, needed with pope's wartime record, scholar says
-- Lola Gomez: First place for Best Photograph, Immigration/Migration for "Pope Francis prays at migrants monument."
"A stunning image of contrasts. The Pope and his light-colored vestments stand out against the dark statue. Seemingly deep in prayer, the image captures the Pope with a look of concern among the sullen faces of those that make up the statue."
-- Lola Gomez: First place for Best Photograph, Scenic, Still-life or Weather Photo for "Sunrise at Fatima, Portugal."
"Astonishing image with the shrine perfectly framed by the columns and using the colorful sky as the contrasting backdrop. Top-notch photo."
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CNS took home a second-place award with the following comment from the judges:
-- Lola Gomez, Justin McLellan and Robert Duncan: Best Multimedia Package for Seasonal for "Pope celebrates feast of the Immaculate Conception."
"Nice work taking audience to a place they may not be able to travel."
Pope Francis continued the tradition of praying before an elevated Marian statue in Rome on the feast of the Immaculate Conception. He asked Mary to watch over Ukrainians, Palestinians, Israelis. Full story by Justin McLellan and photos by Lola Gomez here.
Pope asks Mary's aid to end violence against women
Visiting a monument dedicated to the Immaculate Conception in central Rome Dec. 8, the pope emphasized the importance of remaining vigilant regarding violence against women, particularly in light of the tragic murder of a 22-year-old woman by her ex...
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CNS took home two third-place awards:
-- Robert Duncan: Best Video, Catechesis for "WYD pilgrims experience God’s mercy."
WYD pilgrims experience God’s mercy
A large field of wooden confessionals sprung up in Lisbon for World Youth Day pilgrims and became the site for penitents and priests from around the world to experience God’s mercy. (CNS video/Robert Duncan)
-- Cindy Wooden, Lola Gomez and Robert Duncan: Third place for Best Coverage, Papal Trips for "Pope Francis visits Mongolia." With the following comment from the judges:
"This is a great set of articles that allows the reader to experience the full papal visit, day to day. The detail in the stories helps to give the reader a feel for the impact of the papal visit and the hope for the future for a still-nascent mission in an exotic part of the world with diverse and numerous religious challenges. These articles help the reader to understand the importance of ecumenicism."
Click through to see the stories and more photos in this winning series on Mongolia:
Message from 'heart of Asia': Pope's words go beyond Mongolian borders
Pope, Mongolian religious leaders vow to promote harmony, shun violence
Pope encourages little Mongolian flock in faith, unity, witness
In Mongolia, Pope Francis sends greeting to Chinese Catholics
Pope Francis met with religious elders and celebrated Mass in Mongolia Sept. 3, 2023. (CNS video/Robert Duncan)
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CNS also won five honorable mention awards:
-- Lola Gomez: Best Photograph, Holy Days/Liturgical Seasons for "Children bring flowers to baby Jesus at papal Mass."
-- Carol Glatz, Lola Gomez and Robert Duncan: Honorable mention for Best Coverage, Papal Trips for "Pope Francis' trip to Marseille."
Click through to see the stories and more photos in this series on Marseille and migration:
Message in Marseille: Welcoming the 'stranger' is a global mandate
People have a duty to save migrants in danger of drowning, pope says
Pope laments closing ports to migrants, fueling fears with false alarm
Pope prays for migrants who died at sea
In Marseille, France, Pope Francis prayed for migrants who died at sea. (CNS video/Robert Duncan)
-- Justin McLellan, Lola Gomez and Robert Duncan: Honorable mention for Best Coverage, Papal Trips for "Papal trip to World Youth Day in Lisbon."
Click through to see the stories, videos and more photos in this series on World Youth Day in Lisbon:
Pope to young people at WYD: God calls your authentic, not virtual, self
Awaken the 'weary' church by becoming 'restless,' pope says in Portugal
Don't be afraid to change the world, pope tells youths at WYD closing Mass
-- Robert Duncan: Honorable mention for Best Video, Feature for "Vatican Nativity scene highlights St. Francis, Holy Land."
Vatican Nativity scene highlights St. Francis, Holy Land
Pope Francis meets donors responsible for the Nativity scene and tree in St. Peter's Square; the creche will be unveiled this evening and the tree lighted. (CNS video/Robert Duncan)
-- Carol Glatz, Lola Gomez and Robert Duncan: Honorable mention for Best Multimedia Packages, News for "Pope encourages children to work for peace."
Peace begins with "the heart and an outstretched hand," Pope Francis told more than 6,000 children aged 7-12 during a meeting at the Vatican. Full story by Carol Glatz and more photos by Lola Gomez here.
Pope teaches children how to make peace
Pope Francis met with children from different parts of the world for "Let Us Learn from Boys and Girls" in the Vatican Paul VI hall Nov. 6, 2023. (CNS video/Robert Duncan)