- Area: 110,861 square kilometers (42,803.67 square miles)
- Population: 11,242,000
- 6,766,000 (60.19 percent) Catholic
- 11 ecclesiasticalcircumscriptions
- 304 parishes
- 2,210 other pastoral centers
- 17 bishops
- 361 priests
- 656 religious
- 24 members of secular institutes
- 2,122 lay missionaries
- 4,133 catechists
- 13 Minor seminarians number
- 78 major seminarians
- 1 ,113 students attend 12 centers of Catholic education of all levels and 10 special education centers
- Other institutions belonging to the Church or run by priests or religious in Cuba include 2 clinics, 1 leper colony, 8 homes for the elderly or disabled, 3 orphanages and nurseries, and 3 institutions of other kinds.
Statistics courtesy Vatican Information Service