The work of the Office of MRS Policy and Public Affairstakes a multifaceted approach to achieve its objectives, which include our responsibility:
Advocate: Unauthorized migrants, children, refugees, victims of human slavery, and other people on the move are particularly vulnerable populations that look to the Catholic Church for support. The Church understands its responsibility to support administrative policies and legislation that provide increased protections for these communities and does through both direct advocacy and grassroots level organization.
Communicate: Our world is connected like it never has been before through a wide array of social and traditional media. Through the use of various media platforms the bishops seek to better communicate the Church's social teaching on migration, and help both Catholics and the public at large to appreciate the moral logic that underlies the bishops' commitment to specific advocacy efforts.
Educate: The bishops recognize the importance of educating its faithful on the moral underpinnings of all issues with which it deals, including migration. The objective for such efforts are not only policy related but also to form a culture that is more welcoming of the stranger and willing to provide support to those most in need. The foundations for these positions have both Scriptural roots and the longstanding moral tradition of the Church.
Collaborate: The bishops recognize that to further its political and cultural objectives it is important that they collaborate with other organizations of good will. The Church itself is comprised of a wide network of organizations that exists on the local, state, and national level. These include parishes, diocesan structures, state conferences, religious orders, universities and affiliated organizations. In addition, the Church is open to working with non-Catholic organizations whom share a similar moral vision and uphold policy objectives that are compatible with the Church's own. Effectively using these networks allows MRS to amplify its voice in the public square and increase the likelihood that humane and responsible legislation that supports migrants will become a reality.