December 29
The Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas
Read today about St. Thomas Becket, once a royal chancellorof England. He was slain in his own cathedral for defending the Church from interference by King Henry II.
Christ's kingdom is already present, but it is not yet fulfilled. The destruction of the last enemy, death, is still to come, and then, says St. Paul, God will "be all in all." This is why we pray "Thy kingdom come." When we pray "Thy kingdom come," we are praying for a kingdom of truth, life, holiness, grace, justice, love, and peace. Yet, let us also remember that for the sake of this kingdom many of our sisters and brothers are suffering persecution.
Becket gave up his life for the sake of justice. Pray today for the many Christians who still face persecution and death because of their faith.
Take time to pray the Rosary for justice and peace today.