Devotions and Eucharistic Adoration

May the Stations of the Cross be prayed during Eucharistic Adoration? I thought that the focus was on Jesus present on the altar and not on his passion. Please clarify this for me?

Regarding the praying of the stations of the cross during eucharistic exposition, see numbers 95 and 96 of Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass:

"During the exposition, prayers, liturgical songs, and readings should be so arranged that the faithful, attentive in prayer, may devote themselves to Christ the Lord. To nourish personal prayer, there may be readings from Sacred Scripture with a homily or brief exhortation, which lead to a better appreciation of the Eucharistic Mystery. It is also fitting for the people to respond to the word of God by singing. It is desirable that a sacred silence occur at suitable times" (Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass, no. 95).

"Some part of the Liturgy of the Hours, especially the principal hours, may also be celebrated in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament when it is exposed for a longer period. For through this liturgy, praise and thanksgiving, which are offered to God in the Eucharistic Celebration, are extended to the various hours of the day, and the supplications of the Church are directed to Christ and through him to the Father in the name of the whole world" (Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass, no. 96).

In the light of these directives, the Order for Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist, a convenient collection of the rubrics and directives of the liturgical books regarding eucharistic exposition and benediction, provides several settings for the Liturgy of the Hours and two Eucharistic Services of Prayer and Praise. These liturgies are designed to foster "the acknowledgment of Christ's wonderful presence in [the sacrament]" and "a union of heart with [Christ] that reaches its summit in sacramental Communion" (Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass, no. 82).

Eucharistic exposition and benediction are no longer considered devotions, but rather are a part of the Church's official liturgy. Whereas in the past benediction was frequently added on to the end of another service or devotion, this is no longer permitted. Eucharistic exposition and benediction is a complete liturgical service in its own right and is to be celebrated as such.

The Stations of the Cross is an ancient and venerable devotion which is designed to foster a devotion to and meditation on the mystery of the Passion of Christ. As commendable as such a devotion may be, it can never fulfill the purpose of eucharistic adoration, that is to draw us more deeply into the mystery of Christ's presence in the Holy Eucharist. Therefore, neither the Stations of the Cross nor any other devotion should be prayed during exposition of the Eucharist.

Anyone involved in the planning of eucharistic devotions should bear in mind that the purpose of all exposition is adoration of Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament. The liturgies which the Church provides for us in Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass should provide the basis for all solemn eucharistic worship.