Reserving the Precious Blood

May the Precious Blood be reserved in the tabernacle?

The Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion under Both Kinds in the Diocese of the United States, no. 54, states the Precious Blood may never be reserved, "except for giving Communion to someone who is sick." When this is done "the Blood of the Lord is kept in a properly covered vessel and is placed in the tabernacle after Communion." The Norms go on to say that "[i]f some of the Precious Blood remains after the sick person has received Communion, it should be consumed by the minister, who should also see to it that the vessel is properly purified."

The approved procedure for dealing with the Precious Blood which remains after a Eucharistic celebration is addressed in no. 52 of the Norms. The consecrated wine is never to be poured into the ground or into the sacrarium. Rather, it is to be consumed by the ministers after Communion is completed.