"Know that the LORD is God,
he made us, we belong to him,
we are his people, the flock he shepherds."
- Psalm 100:3
Hear us, O God. Hear our families of mixed status. Hear those who wait in fear of separation, burdened with anxiety.
Hear us, O God. Hear all who are called "foreigner." Hear us when we experience cold stares or mistrust because of the color of our skin or the language we speak.
Hear us, O God. Hear our brothers and sisters who sweat in the fields. Hear those who work long, backbreaking hours growing food, serving us at restaurants, and cleaning our homes.
Hear us, O God. Hear those young people who were brought to this country as children. Hear their dreams for a future of hope.
Hear us, O God. Hear vulnerable women and children. Hear those who have fled domestic violence, rape, or gangs to seek safety in this country.
Hear us, O God. Hear those who work in the shadows and are exposed to exploitation and harassment. Hear those for whom just pay for a just day's work is always uncertain.
Hear us, O God. Hear us as we raise our voices. Hear your people as we seek laws and policies to protect the vulnerable and welcome the stranger.
Standing together—a single yet diverse body of Christ, we pray: Shepherd of the flock, hear us. Be with us, restore us, and strengthen us, for we belong to you.
May your kingdom come and your will be done. Amen.