Lenten Prayer for Civility

God of all compassion,  

You call us to love one another as you have loved us. 

In this time of Lent, help us to see our sisters and brothers as truly beloved children of God. 

Help us to fast from incivility and feast on your love for each one of us. 

Help us to fast from discord and feast on the knowledge that you have created each person in your own image.  

Help us to fast from fear of those with whom we disagree and feast on the joy community brings us.  

Help us to fast from timidity when we hear hurtful language and feast on sharing the good news of our God-given dignity.  

Help us to fast from the desire to win arguments and feast on compassion shared in understanding.  

Help us to fast from assumptions and feast on listening deeply to the stories of our community.  

Lord, our God, be with us in this time of fasting and repentance, in this time of quiet and simplicity.  

Let us turn to you as the source of our joyfulness and our first giver of love.  

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 


Lenten Prayer for Civility