Advocacy Helps Students Live Faith that Does Justice
We help our students to live out a commitment to Faith that does Justice. At the Schlegel Center for Service and Justice, we help students reflect on their experiences in service and encounter, learn about the root causes of issues, and work to change systems of injustice with and sometimes on behalf of those experiencing poverty, oppression or injustice. Legislative advocacy provides an opportunity for students to learn about faithful citizenship. Several times a year, locally, online and in Washington, D.C., students visit elected officials to discuss issues such as migration, sustainability, economic justice, access to education, and peace and non-violence. On these advocacy visits, we rely on the guidance of trusted partners such as the USCCB and the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Such opportunities help our students truly live out their commitment to faith that does justice.
Learn More:
Living as Disciples in Family, Work, and the Public Square
Responding with Social Justice
Leadership Development