Diocesan Resources

Catechetical Sunday Posters - English 2020

Year Published
  • 2020
  • English

This image of The Supper at Emmaus by the famed Spanish artist Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez(1622-23) depicts the moment after the Resurrection when Jesus is finally recognized by two disciples as "he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them.”1 This beautiful image invites us to enter into that moment as we, too, recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread. Velázquez explored the contrasts in reactions through gesture, and expression. With our hearts burning within, we remember this encounter with Christ as the substance of what we received from the Lord, and what we are called to hand on. Like the two disciples, our response as catechists will be unique on our own road back to Jerusalem as we proclaim the Good News and accompany those within our communities along their own road to encounter the Risen Lord.


Eucharist Image

The reality of Lumen Gentium’s description of the Eucharist as “the source and summit of the Christian Life”2 was felt deeply this last year as the COVID-19 pandemic limited the faithful’s ability to receive the Eucharist, sacramentally. However, the reality of the Eucharist cannot ever be limited. The Person of Jesus, alive today as He was on the road to Emmaus, remains in us as the source and summit of our lives. The unity of the living Body of Christ is eternal in Him. At those moments when we are unable to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, sacramentally, we are invited to fully enter into that spiritual hunger, to allow ourselves to fully embrace the desire for Christ; for the greater our desire for Him, the more we allow ourselves to be fulfilled and nourished by Him.  We are called to deepen our own understanding of how and why we are called to be Eucharistic people, especially at times when we feel distant from Him and from others. We must remember that offering our lives in service to one another and uniting our daily sacrifices to the Eucharistic sacrifice, transforms us into living witnesses of the living God to others. Through our communion with Christ, through the Eucharist, we are nourished, strengthened, and prepared to pass on to others what we have received from the Lord.

1 NABRE Luke 22:19
2 Lumen Gentium no.11




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