Continuing the Synodal Journey Sample Worksheet

The members of the Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops adopted a Document for the work to be engaged by the Catholic Church until the celebration of the Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (October 2024).
"Building on the experience of last October's assembly, and especially on the Synthesis Report that the members approved, the Ordinary Council decided on a unified yet differentiated path depending on the competencies and possibilities within local ecclesial realities," says Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod, adding, "This is already a synodal way of working in the Church where each person cooperates for the good of all according to his or her vocation”.
In fact, keeping the two main themes or guidelines in mind, the dioceses are asked:
- with regard to deepening: to promote a reflection that focuses on the theme of differentiated co-responsibility in the mission of all members of the People of God (cf. Synthesis Report, chapters 8-12, 16 and 18). The local Churches are asked to carry out further consultation, involving people and groups (parish priests, participation bodies, synodal teams, etc.) who express a variety of experiences, skills, charisms, and ministries within the People of God and whose point of view is of particular help in focusing on "how" to grow as a synodal Church. In this sense, the involvement of experts and academic institutions present in the area seems indispensable, so that the contribution of theological and canonical expertise, as well as the relevant human and social sciences, can be present;
- regarding the broadening of experiences of synodality: to continue or promote new initiatives to grow as a synodal church on mission, with training and listening experiences that also involve those who have not been touched by the process so far, groups living in conditions of poverty and social marginality as well as Christians of different denominations and people of other religions; to collect and transmit testimonies and best practices to be sent to the Synod Secretariat through the Bishops' Conferences or the Eastern Hierarchical Structures.
In order to facilitate the work of the local communities, the General Secretariat has prepared a possible worksheet to help the work of receiving the fruits of October’s synod assembly and of continuing the synodal journey of conversion in the local Churches