Educational Resource

Core Competencies for Lay Ecclesial Ministry

Year Published
  • 2023
  • English

The core standards for Lay Ecclesial Ministers were developed by five national Catholic ministry organizations known as the Alliance for the Certification of Lay Ecclesial Ministers. Though the Alliance discontinued operation in 2021, the fiver organizations of the Alliance maintain ownership of the standards and continue to work with them individually and collaboratively. These core competencies were developed as a set of guidelines to assist in the ministerial formation of lay people in leadership roles in the Church and are based on the original formation resourcing indicated in the USCCB's 2005 statement Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord

While the five national organizations named on the title page retain ownership of the standards, for additional details, contact the USCCB Subcommittee on Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service at @email for more information. The standards are approved by the Subcommittee in their current form through 2025.
