Educational Resource

Fratelli Tutti Study Guide

Year Published
  • 2021
  • English

Pope Francis’ encyclical letter, Fratelli Tutti, was released in October 2020. An invitation to renewed social friendship and universal fraternity, this encyclical was published as the global community was seven months into the COVID-19 pandemic. A call to come together in solidarity, Fratelli Tutti provides a starting point for renewing our commitment to caring for our neighbor and a global society built on justice and the common good.

This study guide contains material for faith groups, families, and individuals to journey through Fratelli Tutti in six sessions. Each session includes an opening and closing prayer, summaries of each chapter of the encyclical, discussion questions for small groups or individuals, and ways to put Fratelli Tutti into action. These sessions can be held as either 60 or 75-minute gatherings, as indicated with the suggestions below, and can be conducted in person or remotely via video conferencing services.

Fratelli Tutti Study Guide

Fratelli Tutti Study Guide (en Español)