Policy & Advocacy

Health Care Reform Summary, 2010

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The USCCB and Health Care Reform

For decades, the Catholic bishops of the United States have been calling for genuine life-affirming reform to the nation‟s health care system. Their efforts are rooted in John XXIII‟s encyclical Pacem in Terris, which listed medical care among those basic human rights flowing from the basic dignity of the human person. The bishops‟ pastoral letter of 1981 and statement on health care in 1993, as well as their advocacy for the State Children‟s Health Insurance Program and participation in events like “Cover the Uninsured Week” illustrate to the bishops‟ longstanding commitment to authentic health care reform.

After the 2008 national elections, as the nation turned its focus to comprehensive health care reform, the bishops recommitted themselves to pursuing life affirming health care for all, especially the poor and most vulnerable. The USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development established four criteria for fair and just health care reform:

  • a truly universal health policy with respect for human life and dignity;
  • access for all with a special concern for poor and inclusion of legal immigrants;
  • pursuing the common good and preserving pluralism including freedom of conscience and variety of options; and
  • restraining costs and applying them equitably across the spectrum of payers.

As the national debate continued, the bishops identified the first three criteria as the moral principles essential to health care reform, a reform that the bishops have repeatedly identified as “a moral imperative and urgent national priority.” The bishops demonstrated their commitment to genuine reform by working with lawmakers throughout the legislative process and through their consistent message that health care reform must include the three moral criteria listed above. Much collaboration took place between departments within the USCCB, evidenced by many statements and letters signed by the chairmen of the three committees most directly involved in health care reform: the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and the Committee on Migration.

Despite the bishops‟ consistent advocacy, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law did not incorporate the three moral criteria the bishops had identified. However, though the bishops ultimately opposed the new law, they recognized the good present in the bill and look forward to advocating future legislation that incorporates the three moral criteria necessary for authentic life-giving health care reform. In the weeks since the passage of the bill, the bishops have sought to better clarify their position by responding to mischaracterizations of their arguments and publishing articles explaining the reasons for their opposition to the law. Moving forward, the bishops will continue to call upon Congress and the President to build on this major step toward universal health care reform by working to improve access to and the affordability of health care, inclusion of the immigrants, and the protection of all life and conscience. The timeline that follows offers a summary of the bishops‟ role in the health care debate.

June 2010

The USCCB and Health Care Reform

11/19/81: Pastoral Letter
Catholic Bishops of the United States issue Health and Health Care, A Pastoral Letter of the American Catholic Bishops stating the Church's belief that health care is a basic human right, and calling for the development of a national health insurance program to “ensure a basic level of health care for all Americans” (pp.18-19). 

  • 1993 Congress and the Clinton Administration consider several proposals to reform health care policy in the United States. No legislation is signed into law.

6/18/93: Pastoral Resolution
Catholic Bishops of the United States issue resolution, A Framework for Comprehensive Health Care Reform stating the bishops‟ unique perspective on the issue. Document also contains the roots of the criteria developed for the 2009-2010 health care debate. 

  • 8/5/97 State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) signed into law as part of Balanced Budget Act of 1997

3/15/07: Letter to Congress
USCCB Office of Domestic Social Development, Catholic Health Association, and Catholic Charities write joint letter to Senate Budget Committee urging legislators to include SCHIP funding in FY 2008 budget. 

11/07: Pastoral Statement
Bishops issue Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United States to help Catholic learn more about their responsibilities in public life, including those regarding health care. https://www.usccb.org/faithfulcitizenship/FCStatement.pdf

12/10/08: Memo to the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development (DJHD); Committee on DJHD meets
USCCB staff sends memo regarding the outlook for health care reform in the 111th Congress to Committee on DJHD articulating the criteria the USCCB will apply to any health care reform proposal. At their meeting, the committee on DJHD refines and approves the four criteria to guide the USCCB‟s advocacy for health care reform:

  • Universal health policy with respect for human life and dignity;
  • Access for all with a special concern for the poor:
  • Pursuing the common good and preserving pluralism including freedom of conscience and variety of options:
  • Restraining costs and applying them equally across the spectrum of payers.

1/13/09: Action Alert
USCCB asks Catholics to call senators and urge Congress to support improvements to SCHIP.

1/14/09: Letter to Congress I Letter to US House of Representatives
Bishop William F. Murphy, Chairman of the Committee on DJHD, sends letters to House of Representatives and Senate urging lawmakers to strengthen, expand, and improve SCHIP.

2/09: Backgrounder
USCCB Office of Domestic Social Development, Catholic Health Association, and Catholic Charities USA issue information sheet entitled “Health Care Reform Issue Backgrounder February 2009.” 

  • 2/4/09 President Obama signs bill into law reauthorizing SCHIP
  • 3/5/09 President Obama hosts White House Forum on Health Reform

3/22/09: Action Alert/Backgrounder
USCCB asks Catholic to learn more about the Church's teaching on health care and to get involved during “Cover the Uninsured Week”, March 22-28, 2009. 

3/24/09: Action Alert
USCCB asks Catholics to urge the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services and Congress to retain current conscience protections for health care providers.

3/26/09: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy and Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, Chairman of the Committee on International Justice and Peace, send letter to Senate Budget Committee highlighting a variety of directions and concerns for the federal budget resolution, including putting the poor first and pursuing health care for all. 

  • 5/09 Congress begins discussing outline of health care reform; few details included.

5/20/09: Statement to Congress
Bishop Murphy gives statement for the record for the Senate Finance Committee Roundtable Discussion on “Expanding Health Care Coverage,” offering USCCB health care reform criteria to guide the process. In addition, Bishop Murphy states the USCCB “looks forward to working with [Congress] to reform health care in a manner that offers accessible, affordable, and quality health care that affirms the life and dignity of all people.”

6/2/09: Action Alert
USCCB asks Catholics to help reform health care through education and advocacy.

  • 6/5/09 Sen. Kennedy circulates health care reform bill around Congress.

7/2/09: Action Alert
USCCB asks Catholics to celebrate Independence Day and help reform health care by contacting congresspersons and telling them to shape health care reform according to the bishops‟ four criteria. 

  • 7/14/09 America’s Affordable Health Choices Act is introduced in the House and sent to committees.
  • 7/15/09 The Senate Health, Ed, Labor, and Pension committee approves health care bill.
  • 7/17/09 The House Ways and Means Committee and House Education Committee approve nearly identical health care reform bills.

7/17/09: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy sends letter to both houses of Congress, along with copies of the letter to the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services, outlining USCCB criteria for health care reform. 

Action Alert
USCCB asks Catholics to help reform health care and protect life and dignity by contacting congresspersons and telling them to shape health care reform according to the bishops‟ four criteria. 

7/20/09: Backgrounder
Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “Making Health Care Reform Abortion Neutral‟: What is the Legal Status Quo on Abortion?” 

7/27/09: Action Alert
USCCB asks Catholics to support health care reform that respects life by contacting congresspersons and telling them to support legislation that protects life, supports conscience protections, and safeguards the health of immigrants and their families. Policy issue of “restraining costs and applying them equitably across the spectrum of payers” fades to background as bishops focus in on the three moral criteria essential to genuine health care reform. 

7/29/09: Letter to Congress
Cardinal Rigali, Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, sends letter to House Energy and Commerce Committee addressing issues with “America's Affordable Health Choices Act” (H.R. 3200), including abortion categorization and funding and conscience rights, as well as urging support for forthcoming Stupak-Pitts amendments which will address these issues. https://www.usccb.org/prolife/CardRigali-AbortionNeutralReform-7-29-09.pdf

8/09: Backgrounder
USCCB issues information sheet entitled “Issues Related to Coverage of Low-Income People in Health Care Reform.” 

Migration and Refugee Services issues information sheet entitled “The Inclusion of Immigrants in Health Care Reform.” 

8/11/09: Letter to Congress
Cardinal Rigali sends letter to House reiterating the bishops‟ long commitment to health care reform that meets the USCCB criteria while noting serious deficiencies in present bill regarding abortion funding. https://www.usccb.org/prolife/CardRigaliHealthCareReformLetter-08-11-09.pdf

8/31/09: Legislative Strategy Meeting
USCCB staff and CHA staff meet to discuss strategy on pending health care reform legislation.

9/3/09: Legislative Strategy Meeting
USCCB staff and CHA staff meet to discuss strategy on pending health care reform legislation.

9/6/09: Letter to the Editor
Cardinal Rigali and Bishop Murphy write letter to New York Times explaining the bishops‟ united position on health care reform that protects the life and dignity of all. They also state their concerns about the present bill and its treatment of abortion funding, and argue that keeping the policy on abortion funding the same will help passage of health care reform. https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/RigaliMurphyLetter9-6-09.pdf

  • 9/9/09 President Obama addresses joint session of Congress urging lawmakers to enact health care reform.

9/22/09: USCCB Commissioned Survey
USCCB releases results of national survey which found that most Americans want health care reform, oppose abortion coverage, and support conscience protection laws. https://www.usccb.org/comm/archives/2009/09-186.shtml

9/30/09: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy (Chairman, Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development), Cardinal Rigali (Chairman, Committee on Pro-life Activities), and Bishop John Wester (Chairman, Committee on Migration) send letter to Senate outlining the three USCCB criteria for health care reform. They also make note of the Catholic community's unique experience in the field of health care. The united voice of the Catholic bishops is represented from this point on by the joint signatures of the chairmen-bishops of the Committee on Domestic Justice, the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and the Committee on Migration. https://www.usccb.org/sdwp/national/2009-09-30-healthcare-letter-senate.pdf

10/8/09: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy, Cardinal Rigali, and Bishop Wester send letter to Congress expressing disappointment in the lack of progress on shaping health care reform to reflect the three USCCB criteria. The letter affirms that the bishops remain committed to producing health care reform that reflects those moral principles.

  • 10/14/09 Senate Finance Committee approves health care reform bill.

10/23/09: Backgrounder
Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “Current Policy on Federal Abortion Funding: What's the Status Quo?” https://www.usccb.org/prolife/issues/healthcare/abortion_funding_102309.pdf

11/2/09: Backgrounder
Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “Myths and Facts: The Capps Amendment to H.R. 3962” https://www.usccb.org/prolife/issues/healthcare/capps_3962.pdf

Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “Abortion and Conscience Problems in Health Care Reform Bills (Or: What's Wrong with the Capps Amendment?)” https://www.usccb.org/prolife/issues/healthcare/capps_102309.pdf

11/5/09: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy, Cardinal Rigali, and Bishop Wester send letter to House urging support for a fair process and amendment maintaining current abortion funding laws, immigrants‟ access to health care exchanges, and provisions making health care more affordable and accessible. https://www.usccb.org/comm/archives/2009/09-228.shtml

  • 11/6/09 House Rules Committee allows for vote on Stupak Amendment

11/7/09: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy and Cardinal Rigali send letter to House urging support for Stupak Amendment and a fair process to consider the amendment. vii https://www.usccb.org/comm/archives/2009/09-229.shtml

Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy and Cardinal Rigali send letter to House praising the leadership for allowing the Stupak Amendment to come to a vote and expressing appreciation for the pro-life caucus who took part in the negotiations. https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/USCCB-letter-on-house-abortion-funding-process-finalfinal.pdf

  • 11/7/09 House adopts Stupak Amendment.
  • House passes “Affordable Health Care for America Act” 220-215.

11/9/09: Statement by President of USCCB
Cardinal Frances George, President of the USCCB issues statement praising the House decision to block federal money from paying for elective abortions in the health care reform bill. https://www.usccb.org/comm/archives/2009/09-232.shtml

11/12/09: Backgrounder
Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “What Does the Stupak Amendment Really Do?” 

  • 11/18/09 Senate leadership unveils health care reform bill.

11/20/09: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy, Cardinal DiNardo, new Chairman of the Committee on Pro-life Activities, and Bishop Wester send letter to Senate stating three USCCB criteria and expressing sadness that the Senate bill does not fulfill them. 

  • 11/22/09 Senate begins debate on health care reform bill.

11/23/09: Press Conference
USCCB holds telephone press conference to discuss House health care reform bill and prospects in the Senate.

12/09: Action Alert
USCCB asks Catholics to contact congresspersons and urge them to support the Nelson-Hatch-Casey Amendment to stop abortion funding in health care reform. https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/2009-12-7-alert-nelson-hatch-casey.pdf

12/4/09: Backgrounder
Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “Abortion and Conscience Problems in the Senate Health Care Reform Bill.” https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/hatch-nelson120409.pdf

12/7/09: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy, Cardinal DiNardo, and Bishop Wester send letter to Senate urging support for the Nelson-Hatch-Casey-Amendment. 

Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “What does the Nelson/Hatch/Casey Amendment Really Do?” https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/nelsondo.pdf

  • 12/8/09 Senate votes to table (set aside) Nelson-Hatch-Casey Amendment.

12/13/09: Backgrounder
Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “Provisions on Abortion Coverage and Conscience Rights in H.R. 3288, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, as approved by the Senate on December 13, 2009.” https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/hr3288provisions.pdf

12/14/09: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy, Cardinal DiNardo, and Bishop Wester send letter to Senate expressing strong support for the Menendez Amendment which gives states the option to life the five-year waiting period for legal immigrants to obtain Medicaid coverage. https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/legalfiveyears.pdf

Action Alert
USCCB asks Catholics to call Senators and urge them to support the Menendez Amendment that stands for fairness to legal immigrants. https://www.usccb.org/sdwp/national/2009-12-14-Action_Alert-MenendezAmendment.pdf

Letter to Congress
Cardinal DiNardo sends letter to Senate asking members to reconsider Hyde Amendment language in the health care bill after pointing out the language in the Nelson amendment is like that of the Hyde Amendment. https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/DiNardo_1214_letter.pdf

Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “Side-by-Side Comparison of Abortion Funding Language.” https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/hyde-s-by-s-landscape--AP-Marks.pdf

12/22/09: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy, Cardinal DiNardo, and Bishop Wester send letter to Senate urging members not to move forward with health care bill without first incorporating essential changes to better reflect the three USCCB criteria. https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/letter-to-senate-20091222.pdf

Action Alert
USCCB asks Catholics to contact Senators immediately and tell them to include the three USCCB criteria in final health care reform bill. https://www.usccb.org/sdwp/national/2009-12-22-alert-healthcare.pdf

  • 12/24/10 Senate passes “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” 60-39.

1/12/10: Backgrounder
Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “Life and Conscience Issues in the Health Care Reform Bills: A Comparison.” https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/Issuechart.pdf

1/13/10: Backgrounder
Migration and Refuge Services issues information sheet entitled “Comparison of Senate and House Bills on Immigration.” https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/Comparison_Senate_House_Bills_Immigration.pdf

Office of Domestic Social Development issues information sheet entitled “Affordability & Coverage in the Health Care Reform Bills: A Comparison.” https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/Affordability_Issuechart.pdf

  • 1/19/10 Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) wins special Senate election in Massachusetts, casting serious doubt on the chances of merging the House and Senate health care reform bills in a conference committee.

1/20/10: Backgrounder
Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information document entitled “Issues of Life and Conscience in Health Care Reform: A Comparison of the House and Senate Bills.” https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/life_conscience.pdf

1/26/10: Backgrounder
USCCB issues information sheet entitled “The Need for Conscience Protection.” https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/Fact-sheet-conscience-protection-HCR.pdf

Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy, Cardinal DiNardo, and Bishop Wester send letter to all members of Congress urging them to come together and recommit themselves to enacting genuine health care reform that will protect the life, dignity, consciences, and health of all.

1/27/10: Action Alert
USCCB asks Catholics to urge Congress to continue to work on genuine health care reform by contacting congresspersons and articulating the USCCB criteria for authentic health care reform. https://www.usccb.org/sdwp/national/2010-01-27-Alert-healthcare.pdf

2/24/10: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy, Cardinal DiNardo, and Bishop Wester send letter to Congress on eve of Health Care Summit urging members of both parties to commit themselves to enacting genuine health care reform that will protect the life, dignity, consciences, and health of all. They also restate the three USCCB criteria. 

2/25/10: Briefing
USCCB staff brief CCUSA social policy committee on health care reform.

  • 2/25/10 President Obama hosts Health Care Summit with Congressional leaders.

3/4/10: Backgrounder
Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled “Abortion Funding in the Senate Health Care Reform Bill.” 

3/6/10: Backgrounder
USCCB issues document entitled “What's Wrong with the Senate Health Care Bill on Abortion? A response to Professor Jost.” 

3/11/10: Bulletin Insert/Action Alert
USCCB issues bulletin insert/action alert asking Catholics to contact congresspersons and urge them to stop abortion funding in health care reform, protect conscience, ensure affordable health coverage, and allow immigrants to purchase private health insurance. https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/UPDATED-bulletin-insert.pdf

Pulpit Announcement & Prayer Petition
USCCB issues pulpit announcement to be used at Mass asking Catholics to see the action alert in the bulletin and take action. Petition asks that Congress will act to ensure needed health care reform will protect life and the most vulnerable. https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/Abortion_ads/Pulpit_Announcement_and_Prayer.pdf

3/15/10: Statement by President of USCCB
Cardinal George issued a statement expressing the bishops‟ disappointment and puzzlement that the basis for any vote on health care reform will be the Senate bill. 

3/16/10: Letter to the Editor
Bishop Murphy, Cardinal DiNardo, and Bishop Wester write letter to the Washington Post summarizing the bishops‟ criteria for health care reform. https://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/guestvoices/2010/03/health_care_for_life_and_for _all.html

Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues an information sheet entitled “The Senate Health Care Reform Bill: Funding Abortions at Community Health Centers.”

3/18/10: Letter to Congress
Committee on Migration sends letter to House urging members to include immigrants in any final health care reform measure. (Letter not available online.)

3/20/10: Letter to Congress
Bishop Murphy, Cardinal DiNardo, and Bishop Wester send letter to House urging representatives to fix flaws in the Senate version of the bill in order to protect life and conscience and make universal coverage truly universal. 

  • 3/21/10 House passes “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” the Senate version of health care bill, 219-212.
  • 3/23/10 President Obama signs “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” into law.

3/23/10: Statement by President of USCCB
Cardinal George recalls the bishops‟ long commitment to health care reform and applauds the effort to expand health care to all, but explains that because the new law did not meet the three criteria, the bishops opposed its passage.

3/25/10: Backgrounder
USCCB Office of the General Counsel issues document entitled “Legal Analysis of the Provisions of The PPACA and Corresponding Executive Order Regarding Abortion Funding and Conscience Protection.” 

  • 3/30/10 President Obama signs “Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010” into law, finalizing the passage of health care reform.

4/12/10: Article
Cardinal DiNardo, Bishop Murphy, and Bishop Wester write letter in America (“web only” edition) responding to Prof. Nicholas P. Cardafi's critique of the USCCB response to health care reform bill. https://www.americamagazine.org/content/article.cfm?article_id=12270&comments=1#readcom ments

Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues information sheet entitled: “Abortion Funding in the New Health Care Reform Act.” 

5/17/10: Op Ed
Anthony Picarello, USCCB General Counsel, writes op ed in America responding the editors comments regarding the bishops role in the health care debate. 

5/20/10: Letter to Congress
Cardinal DiNardo sends letter to Congress acknowledging the new health care law as an important step forward to health care reform, explaining why the bishops think it profoundly flawed, and urging support for H.R. 5111 which will bring PPACA into line with federal status quo concerning policies on abortion and conscience rights. 

5/21/10: USCCB Statement
Cardinal DiNardo, Bishop Murphy, and Bishop Wester issue statement entitled “Setting the Record Straight” clarifying the bishops‟ firm and consistent commitment to the three USCCB criteria throughout the health care reform process. The bishops state their unwillingness to sacrifice one moral criteria or another for a “greater good”. Finally, the bishops call for fixes to the deficient aspects of the bill, but remain opposed to a total repeal. https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/settingtherecordstraight.pdf

5/23/10: Article
Sr. Mary Ann Walsh, Director of Media Relations for the USCCB, writes article entitled “Checking the fact check on health reform” for National Catholic Reporter (NCR) rebutting arguments made by Jerry Filteau in a previous NCR article entitled, “Fact checked: US bishops on health care reform.” https://ncronline.org/news/checking-fact-check-health-reform

5/24/10: Backgrounder
Dept. of Pro-Life Activities issues document entitled “Issues of Life and Conscience in Health Care Reform: An Analysis of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act‟ of 2010.” https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/PPACA-Analysis-5-24-10.pdf

USCCB Health Care Reform
Website https://www.usccb.org/healthcare/

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