Parish Integrates Social Mission into Liturgy, Prayer

At our parish, St. Patrick Catholic Community, in Scottsdale, AZ, our celebration of the Mass opens our hearts to the presence of Christ in the altar—and in the community. Our hospitality ministers encounter and welcome each person as they enter the church. Homilies consistently proclaim the need for our faith communities to be welcoming and mission-oriented. Music emphasizes that we are Christian disciples in mission. The Prayer of the Faithful help us to intercede for those who are poor and vulnerable in our own community and around the world. At Advent time, parishioners participate in adopt-a-family and giving tree for Christmas - direct service/charity. On Epiphany, parishioners participate in the Epiphany Tree by taking an ornament that reflects one of the systemic reasons the December charity was needed. They are encouraged to learn more about the issue and take action - suggestions are provided. This is one way we walk with both feet of charity and justice. Finally, a prayer resource in our Adoration Chapel helps those who are praying to include special intentions for peace, refugees, victims of climate-related disasters, etc.
Learn More:
Anchoring Discipleship in Prayer and Worship
Responding with Charitable Works
Photo: Philip Laubner/CRS