Committee on Doctrine and Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, June 18, 2009, revised October 13, 2009
Medical and Moral Issues
Committee on Doctrine, March 20, 2023
Committee on Doctrine, December 11, 2020
Comité de Doctrina, 11 de Deciembre, 2020
Committee on Doctrine, November 20, 2020
Sixth Edition, issued June 2018
Committee on Doctrine, June 23, 2010
Committee Statement, March 25, 2009
Cardinal Wuerl (used with permission of the Natioinal Catholic Bioethics Center)
Committee Document, September 19, 1996
Prayer and Worship
Committee on Doctrine, September 2020
USCCB Document, November 14, 2006
Dichosos los invitados a la cena del Señor: Sobre la preparación para recibir dignamente a Cristo en le Eucaristía
USCCB Document, November 14, 2006
USCCB Document, November 12, 2003)
Ejercicios devocionales populaires
USCCB Document, November 12, 2003
USCCB Document, June 15, 2001
USCCB Document, June 15, 2001
Committee Document, September 15, 1998
Publications and Authors
Committee Statement, March 24, 2011
Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Chairman of the Committee on Doctrine, March 30, 2011 -
Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Chairman of the Committee on Doctrine, April 18, 2011 -
Committee Statement, October 11, 2011
Committee Statement, September 15, 2010
Committee Statement, December 10, 2007
Committee Statement, March 20, 2007
Committee Statement, March 14, 2005
Archbishop George Pell, Archbishop of Melbourne, March 10, 1998
Doctrinal Commission of the Bishops' Conference of Spain,July 8, 2002
Nota doctrinal sobre el libro Rehacer la vida religiosa.Una mirada al futuro del .P. Diarmuid O'Murchu (MSC).
Comisión Episcopal para la Doctrina de la Fe, 8 de julio de 2002
USCCB Document, November 14, 2006
Teaching Role of the Bishop
Committee Document, January 13, 1992
Archbishop John C.Nienstedt, Chairman of the Committee on Doctrine, June 28, 2013
Committee Resource, June 2005