The subcommittee is under the general direction and acts in the name of the Committee on Doctrine to fulfill the canonical requirement of reviewing and approving translations of the sacred Scriptures and their explanatory notes ( Code of Canon Law, canon 825§1) for use in the United States.

On its own authority, as delegated by the Committee on Doctrine, the subcommittee:

  • Reviews and recommends directly to the President of the Conference the granting of the approval for vernacular translations of the sacred Scriptures
  • Identifies and appoints censors for review of text.


  1. Reviews vernacular translations of the sacred Scriptures that have been submitted to the episcopal conference for approval.
  2. Seeks the active collaboration of Catholic biblical scholars with the consent of their local ordinary and/or religious superior to serve as official censors in undertaking the work of scriptural review.
  3. Collaborates with the Committee on Divine Worship in the formal review of the use of Scripture in liturgical books.
  4. Participates in a special Task Force leading to the development of a Biblia de la Iglesia en America.