
To make the National Religious Retirement Office or Retirement Fund for Religious collection a beneficiary in your will, in estate planning or to make a restricted gift, please use the following language set forth:

"To the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C., (EIN 53-0196617) for the exclusive purpose of assisting Roman Catholic religious orders in the United States to provide for the retirement needs of their elderly members."

(The term "religious orders" includes religious orders, congregations, institutes, etc. of both women and men.)

Donations by Cash or Check

Contributions may be made at your parish on the Sunday of the annual appeal or sent by mail to the Retirement Fund for Religious, P.O. Box 96988, Washington, D.C. 20090-6988.

Matching Gift

Investigate whether your company has a Matching Gift Program. If so, send your donation along with the matching gift form to the National Office.  Please note that NRRO cannot process matching gift forms for donations made through a parish collection, only those it receives directly from the donor.

Stock Donation

The Bank of New York Mellon will accept stock donations for the National Religious Retirement Office through Pershing LLC as the broker dealer. 

USCCB-NRRO Delivery Instructions

United Way

If you work for a company that participates in the United Way, check with your coordinator about designating the Retirement Fund for Religious to receive your donation.