Bishop Cisneros invites support for Church in Latin America

Bishop Cisneros invites support for Church in Latin America

Bishop Octavio Cisneros invites you to help strengthen families, fund Catholic education, and foster priestly and religious vocations by giving to the Collection for the Church in Latin America. For over 50 years, Catholics in the United States have...

Bishop Octavio Cisneros invites you to help strengthen families, fund Catholic education, and foster priestly and religious vocations by giving to the Collection for the Church in Latin America. For over 50 years, Catholics in the United States have expressed solidarity with the Church from Mexico to the Caribbean, to the southern tip of South America through the Collection. En Español

Pope Francis expressed gratitude for the work of the Collection for the Church in Latin America (CLA) in a letter read at the 2015 Fall General Assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore, Maryland. Download the letter.

Make a Positive Impact by Showing Solidarity with the Church in Latin America

Since 1965, Catholics in the United States have built relationships of unity and love with Catholics in Central and South America and the islands of the Caribbean through their participation in the annual special collection for the Church in Latin America. On the weekend of January 25-26, 2025, many U.S. parishes will take up this collection in order to support ministries that bring Christ’s mercy to prisoners, train catechists in remote rural areas, and build up pastoral programs that address the crucial needs of refugees and victims of natural disasters.

By supporting this collection, you can also help nurture vocations for seminarians and religious sisters like the Poor Clare nuns pictured above on this year’s campaign poster. This community, based in the Dominican Republic, used funds received from this collection to cover food, clothing, and educational costs for 18 of its sisters.

You can continue this record of success by supporting the 2025 Collection for the Church in Latin America at Mass on the weekend of January 25-26 or through your parish’s online giving/e-offertory platform. #iGiveCatholicTogether also accepts funds for the collection.

CLA Grant Information

For complete lists of projects supported by the Subcommittee on the Church in Latin America, please visit the CLA Grant Information page.

In this video (in Spanish), subcommittee chairman Bishop Cisneros speaks about his recent visit to Chile and attending a meeting on the pastoral programs that support communities in need.

Our Work in Haiti

  • November 2019: current information on the construction projects in Haiti.

  • Ways for you to help Haiti.

  • Partners in Mission. This important document contains the official position of the Haitian Bishops' Conference regarding "twinning" relationships between Haiti and the Church around the world. It was drafted and finalized with the support of representatives of bishops' conferences and Catholic aid agencies from around the world.

  • 2019 Approved Grants


The collection has a long history of supporting Catholics in Latin America through the Continental Mission.

Download the most recent Annual Report and see how your gift makes a difference in Latin America and the Caribbean.