Vocation Lesson Plans and Resources for Educators

Those called to serve as Catholic educators and leaders of youth serve a vitally important purpose in the Church and the lives of children as they determine their life’s direction. These lesson plans and resources may help you to inspire your student to consider a call to priesthood or consecrated life! These are excellent tools for catechists and faith-formation teachers, for those working with our youth and anyone in a position to inspire the children entrusted to them and to uplift them in their vocations. 


Best Practices for University and Young Adult Ministry

Eucharistic Adoration

  • Make it available often, daily if possible
  • Preach on the true Presence


  • Creates an awareness of sin and a need for mercy
  • Leads students to strive for greater conversion

Spiritual Direction

  • Teaches them the importance of daily prayer and holds them accountable
  • Instills in them the fundamental call to holiness
  • Provides a foundation for a relationship of accompaniment between director and directee


  • Encourages growth in the spiritual life 
  • Takes them out of their normal surroundings to encounter God

Service Projects

  • Gives students the opportunities for have face-to-face encounters with their brothers and sisters in Christ
  • Encourages students to put their faith into action by serving those in need 
  • Fosters Christ-centered friendships

Witness of Priests/Religious Sisters

  • Take students to a seminary visit or Nun Run to learn more about the priesthood and religious life
  • Bring seminarians and young religious and consecrated persons to campus and invite them to speak and enjoy fellowship with the students
  • Provide opportunities for students to interact with the local parish priest in a fun and engaging manner

Discernment Groups

  • Helps each student to realize they are called specifically by God
  • Groups let them know they are not alone and that others can help them on their journey

Fellowship and Catechetical Formation

  • Host weekly bible studies or reading groups
  • Host a weekly or monthly series on different intellectual aspects of the faith (e.g., learning about the Church Fathers; Church doctrine; the history of the Catholic Church, etc.)
  • Host a weekly meal where students can gather together and enjoy each other's company and friendship