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Ecumenical Documents and News Releases


Becoming One September, 2013
Bishop Madden writes on emerging trends in ecumenism in America Magazine

Spirituality, Ministry, and Ecumenism, August 2013
Speech of Fr. John Crossin

Ecumenical and Interreligious Sensitivity in Preaching, June 2013
Fr. John Crossin speaks at the University of Notre Dame

The Current State of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs,June 2013
Speech of Bishop Madden to the Tantur Ecumenical Institute

Pope Francis's Challenge: Staying Angry or Encountering Christ, August 2013
Blog posting by Fr. John Crossin

Ecumenical and Interreligious Sensitivity in Preaching  |  en español
Fr. John Crossin

Building a Culture of Encounter
Fr. John Crossin

Recent Ecumenical Firsts, May 2013
Blog posting by Fr. Ronald Roberson

Dialogue and Rebuilding Trust after Tragedy April 2013
Blog posting by Dr. Anthony Cirelli

The Church Undivided,
Victor Gaetan discusses Benedict XVI's ecumenical legacy in the Journal of Foreign Affairs


North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation

The Pastoral Care of Mixed Marriages: Neither Yours nor Mine – but Ours, February 29, 2024

The Vocation and Mission of the People of God , May 29, 2019

A Response to the Chieti Document on Synodality and Primacy in the First Millennium , October 28, 2017

The Love of Christ Compels Us: Fifty Years of Theological Dialogue , October 24, 2015

On the Occasion of the Eighty-fifth Anniversary of the Promulgation of the decree Cum data fuerit , June 6, 2014

The Importance of Sunday  |  French , October 27, 2012

Celebrating Easter/Pascha Together  |  French , October 1, 2010

Steps towards a Reunited Church: A Sketch of an Orthodox-Catholic Vision for the Future  | French, October 2, 2010

Response to the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Regarding the 'Ravenna Document'  |  French , October 24, 2009

The Filioque: A Church Dividing Issue?: An Agreed Statement  |  French  |  Greek  |  Romanian  |  Spanish  | Ukrainian , October 25, 2003

Sharing the Ministry of Reconciliation: Statement on the Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue and the Ecumenical Movement , June 1, 2000

Baptism and 'Sacramental Economy': An Agreed Statement  | French , June 3, 1999

Common Response to the Aleppo Statement on the Date of Easter/Pascha , October 31, 1998

Response to the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue regarding the 'Balamand Document' , October 15, 1994

Joint Statement on Tension in Eastern Europe Related to 'Uniatism' , May 28, 1992

A Joint Communique on Current Tensions between our Churches in Eastern Europe , October 20, 1990

A Joint Reaction to International Commission's 'Valamo Document' , October 28, 1989

An Agreed Statement On Conciliarity and Primacy In The Church , October 28, 1989

Response to the Joint International Commission Regarding the 'Bari Document' , June 2, 1988

Apostolicity as God's Gift in the Life of the Church , November 1, 1986

An Agreed Statement on the Lima Document "Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry", October 27, 1984

A  Response to the Munich Document: "The Mystery of the Church and of the Eucharist in the  Light of the Mystery of the Holy Trinity", May 25, 1983

Joint Recommendations on the Spiritual Formation of Children in Marriages between Orthodox and Roman Catholics,October 11, 1980

An Agreed Statement on the Sanctity of Marriage, December 8, 1978

Reaction of the Orthodox-Roman Catholic Dialogue to the Agenda of the Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church, September 29, 1977

The Pastoral Office: A Joint Statement, May 19, 1976

The Principle of Economy: A Joint Statement, May 19, 1976

An Agreed Statement on the Church, December 10, 1974

An Agreed Statement on Respect for Life, May 24, 1974

An Agreed Statement on Mixed Marriage, November 4, 1971

An Agreed Statement on the Holy Eucharist, December 13, 1969

Special Statements

A Statement by the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Bilateral Consultation on Persecution of the Greek Orthodox Community in Turkey, January 25, 1978

Reaction to the Anthimos/Medeiros Agreement, May 29, 1982

Statement on the Upcoming Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, October 28, 2006

The Plight of Churches in the Middle East- Revisited, October 26, 2013

News Releases and Reports
Joint Committee of Orthodox and Catholic Bishops

Mission of the Joint Committee of Orthodox and Catholic Bishops, May 24, 2016

Message on the Holy and Great Council, May 24, 2016

Message on the Humanitarian Crisis in the Middle East, May 24, 2016

Statement on Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue at the Dawn of a New Millennium, October 4, 2000

Communique on Eastern Europe, October 2, 1992

Statement of Support for the Historical Christianity in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, September 19,1991

A Pastoral Statement on Orthodox/ Roman Catholic Marriages, October 5, 1990

Ordination, October 1, 1988

News Releases and Reports

Oriental Orthodox


Guidelines Concerning the Pastoral Care of Oriental Orthodox Students in Catholic Schools,1999

Statement on the Eucharist,1983

Purpose, Scope, and Method of the Dialogue between the Oriental Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches, November 1980

News Releases and Reports


Polish National Catholic


Joint Declaration on Unity, May 17, 2006

Journeying Together in Christ: The Journey Continues. The Report of the Polish National Catholic-Roman Catholic Dialogue 1989-2002. Edited by Most Rev. Robert M. Nemkovich and Most Rev. James C. Timlin. Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2003.

Journeying Together in Christ: The Report of the Polish National Catholic-Roman Catholic Dialogue (1984-1989). Edited by Stanislaus J. Brzana and Anthony M. Rysz. Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 1990.

News Releases and Reports



ARCUSA "Ecclesiology and Moral Discernment" April 2014

ARCUSA Response to "Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ" October 20, 2007

Response of ARC to the ARC International Commission's "The Gift of Authority" , March 29, 2003

Report on the Local/ Universal Church, November 15, 1999

Christian Ethics in Ecumenical Dialogue: ARC International Commission II and Recent Papal Teachings, June 22, 1995

Five Affirmations on the Eucharist as Sacrifice, January 6, 1994

How Can We Recognize "Substantial Agreement"? April 5, 1993

A Recommitment to Full Communion, June 17, 1992

Anglican Orders: A Report on the Evolving Context for their Evaluation in the Roman Catholic Church, May 8,1990

Images of God: Reflections on Christian Anthropology, July, 1983

Where We Are: A Challenge for the Future, August 12, 1977

Statement on the Ordination of Women, November 7,1975

Statement on the Purpose of the Church, October 31, 1975

Doctrinal Agreement and Christian Unity: Methodological Considerations, January 23, 1972

ARC VII Statement, December,1969

ARC IV Statement on the Eucharist May,1967

News Releases and Reports



The Hope of Eternal Life, 2010
Dialogue centered around human death and the promise of eternal life

The Church as Koinonia of Salvation, 2004
Dialogue centered on koinonia ecclesiology

Scripture and Tradition, 1995

The One Mediator, the Saints, and Mary, 1990

Justification by Faith,1983

Teaching Authority and Infallibility in the Church,1978

Differing Attitudes Toward Papal Primacy ,1973
Dialogue centered around papal primacy

Eucharist and Ministry,1970

ARC IV Statement on the Eucharist 1967
Dialogue concerning the Eucharist as sacrifice and Christ's presence in the sacrament

One Baptism for the Remission of Sins,1966
Statement of substantial agreement between traditions regarding baptism from Bishop T. Austin Murphy and Dr. Paul C. Empie

The Status of the Nicene Creed as Dogma of the Church, July 7, 1965
The common confession of the Nicene Creed in Catholic and Lutheran traditions

News Releases and Reports



The One Body of Christ: Ministry in Service to the Church and the World, February, 18, 2022

This Bread of Life: Dialogue on the Eucharist and the Lord's Supper, November, 2010

The Common Agreement on Baptism, November 16, 2010

These Living Waters, 2007

Journey in Faith: Forty Years of Reformed-Catholic Dialogue: 1965-2005, 2005

Interchurch Families: Resources for Ecumenical Hope. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference Publications, 2002.

Laity in the Church and in the World: Resources for Ecumenical Dialogue. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference Publications, 1998.

Partners in Peace and Education, 1985

Ethics and the Search for Christian Unity, 1980.

The Unity We Seek. Paulist Press, 1976.

Women in Church and Society, 1970-1

Ministry in the Church, 1970-1

The Ministry of the Church, 1968

Reconsiderations: Theological Conversation on Scripture, Doctrine, and Ministry. John L McKenzie; Roman Catholic/Presbyterian and Reformed Conversation Group. New York: World Horizons, 1967.

Statement on Revelation, Scripture and Tradition,1966

The Common Agreement on Baptism
Archbishop Gregory's Statement to the Press
The Text of the Common Agreement
The Sample Baptismal Certificate
The Catholic Reception Statement

News Releases and Reports

Southern Baptist


Report on Sacred Scripture ,September 10, 1999

To Understand Each Other,1989

Congregational Study Guides

Poverty: A Southern Baptist and Roman Catholic Perspective,1995

Racism: A Southern Baptist and Roman Catholic Perspective, 1995

Life: A Southern Baptist and Roman Catholic Perspective,1995

Sickness, Disability, and Healing: A Southern Baptist and Roman Catholic Perspective,1995

Environment: A Southern Baptist and Roman Catholic Perspective,1994

News Releases and Reports


News Releases and Reports

Faith and Order

News Releases and Reports