Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope

In 2003, the bishops of the United States and Mexico issued a joint pastoral letter, Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope (en español), that presented a Catholic framework for responding to the ongoing migration phenomenon in their respective countries. Please take an opportunity to read and reflect on this pastoral letter so that you can better understand Church teaching as it pertains to migration.

Catholic Ministries Serving Migrants and Refugees

This resource, while not comprehensive in nature or responsive to every aspect of the immigration debate, seeks to address some common misconceptions and questions regarding the Church’s role in serving migrants and refugees, as well as the ways in which Catholic social teaching applies to these issues. It also discusses the work of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in this area.

Catholic Social Teaching and Migration 

This resource discusses the main principles derived from Catholic social teaching in relation to migration, as well as the Church's perspective on specific areas, such as irregular migration and immigration reform. 

Catholic Elements of Immigration Reform 

This resource discusses six key elements to guide immigration reform efforts, grounded in Catholic social teaching generally and the Church’s teaching on migration specifically.

Committee on Migration Mandate

The Committee assists the bishops, both individually and collectively, in supporting local Church and regional efforts to respond to the unique needs of newcomers and people on the move. The Committee advocates for public policies toward immigrants, migrants, and refugees that conform with Church teachings, and it administers programs designed to assist in the resettlement of refugees, human trafficking victims, and other forced migrants.

This mandate includes the following areas of responsibility:

Public policy regarding migration, refugees, and trafficking of persons; services to refugees, forced migrants, and victims of trafficking; special needs for people on the move.

The Committee and MRS

The U.S. bishops' Committee on Migration sets broad policies and direction for the Church's work in the area of migration. The Committee oversees the work of, and provides guidance to, the USCCB's Department of Migration and Refugee Services (MRS), which is comprised of various administrative, policy, and programatic offices, including: 

What We Do

The above MRS offices represent the bishops' interests in policy formulation and communication, advocacy, education, refugee resettlement, and other specialized services to at-risk and vulnerable populations, such as victims of trafficking and unaccompanied migrant children. The Committee actively promotes the U.S. bishops' migration-related interests with public policymakers at the national and international levels. Committee members and MRS staff periodically testify before Congress and meet with administration officials to advocate on behalf of the bishops' positions. Among the high-priority policy concerns of the Committee are comprehensive immigration reform and long-term integration solutions for newcomers. Consistent with its concern for the most vulnerable and the plight of forcibly displaced persons, the Committee occasionally arranges site visits to refugee areas of the world to evaluate conditions and make formulate recommendations for both the United States and international community.

The Committee on Migration, supported by MRS, has the following key mission responsibilities:

1. Advancing the public policy priorities of the bishops on migration issues and human trafficking, and providing policy direction to the USCCB

2. Administering programs designed to serve in the resettlement of refugees, human trafficking victims, and other forced migrants

3. Conducting fact-finding, advocacy and pastoral visits to address refugee crises and other migration issues of concern to bishops

MRS Mission Statement

Grounded by our belief in Jesus Christ and Catholic teaching, Migration and Refugee Services fulfills the commitment of the U.S. Catholic bishops to protect the life and dignity of the human person. We serve and advocate for refugees, asylees, migrants, unaccompanied children, and victims of human trafficking.

Immigration and the Catholic Church

Immigration and the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church in the United States has been closely involved on issues related to immigration for over two hundred years.

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