- Bishop James S. Wall, Diocese of Gallup
- Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer, OFM Conv, Archdiocese of Atlanta
- Bishop Peter F. Christensen, Diocese of Boise
- Bishop Octavio Cisneros, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus, Diocese of Brooklyn
- Bishop W. Shawn McKnight, Diocese of Jefferson City
- Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Detroit
- Bishop Peter L. Smith, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
- Mr. John Matthew Knowles, Executive Director, Diocesan Fiscal Management Conference
The committee assists the bishops, both collectively and individually, in promoting the stewardship dimension of the collections, and in coordinating, supporting, and increasing the revenues of the national collections. These efforts support the Church’s works of social justice, evangelization, education, and national and local institutional development—both domestically and around the world. The committee works collaboratively with other mission-related committees on issues of mutual concern.
This mandate includes the following areas of responsibility: Church in Central and Eastern Europe; Church in Africa; Church in Latin America; Catholic Home Missions. For promotional/fund raising efforts: Catholic Campaign for Human Development; The Catholic Relief Services Collection; Catholic Communication Campaign; and Economic Concerns of Holy See. Also, liaison with the National Religious Retirement Office.
- Developing national awareness of the needs of those served by the collections
- Coordinating and administering the grant process for select national collections
- Supporting year-round promotion and outreach activities through established diocesan networks to realize an annual increase in collection revenues.
- Ensuring accountability in the solicitation, collection, and use of funds
- Reviewing grant applications (including financial statements)
- Reviewing grantee reports to ensure that they fulfill requirements
- Exploring and supporting the development of other non-collection sources of revenue for all the national collections
- Researching best practices in the area of fund raising and promotional outreach
- Working with the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis for a comprehensive approach to stewardship
- With bishops and diocesan offices
- With the various committees of the USCCB: especially the Committee on Communications and the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development on issues relating to social communication, community development and Church in Africa; and the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis for a comprehensive approach to stewardship
- With grantee dioceses, parishes, and local organizations
- With organizations sponsoring other national collections supported by the Catholic bishops of the United States.
- With the Holy See, other episcopal conferences, and international bodies as requested by the USCCB